~~A Rushed Wedding~~

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~~Your POV~~

I stood nervously at the double doors to the ballroom that had been set up for the wedding with pristine white folding seats and pretty white and red flower displays lining the makeshift aisle. The doors were closed and my mother stood beside me, her left arm linked with my right one as I took a moment to just breathe. One deep breath in, then out. I repeated this a couple more times to calm the nerves that were making me feel a little queasy as I waited for Tamaki to begin playing the piano for my walk down the aisle...

But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. I guess I should explain how I got to this moment in the first place...

~~Flashback: 2nd Person POV~~

The rest of the summer break flew by quickly as you and Kyoya worked to plan out most of the details of your wedding. It was rushed, but this was what your mother wanted and you trusted her decision on this matter. If she felt you were ready for this jump, then you were... even if you didn't quite feel ready just yet. Kyoya was clearly a stressed out hot mess through this whole ordeal. He must have been just as nervous about the future as you were but despite that, everything actually came together quite seamlessly. Obviously, the entire host club was invited, you even chose Haruhi as your maid of honor and surprisingly, Kyoya chose Tamaki to be his best man. Tamaki had also offered to play the piano for the ceremony and with your mother's agreement, you approved his offer.

Kyoya got fitted for some proper prince wedding attire while you went with Haruhi and the twins to figure out what kind of dress you wanted to wear. You had planned to just wear your normal princess formal attire but when Kyoya had seemed disappointed you weren't going to be wearing a 'normal' wedding dress you, of course, changed your mind. You wanted him to be happy with this too. This event would mark a new stage in both your lives and you wanted it to be perfect not just for yourself but for Kyoya.

You stood on a raised pedestal in front of some mirrors wearing a classic white princess style wedding dress that had no sleeves and a sweetheart neckline while the twins fussed with the bottom of the skirt, trying to decide how far it would need to be taken up to fit your height perfectly. Normally a proper seamstress would tend to such things but the twins had insisted they help with the fitting once you picked the dress you wanted. Hikaru pinned up some of the skirt layers to be the right length while Kaoru went off to find you some accessories to pick from. He came back to you a minute later holding two different kinds of veils and your tiara that he had gotten from Sebastian who was standing in the corner of the room patiently observing while he held the delicate headpiece. "Stand still," Kaoru and Hikaru said in unison when you shifted to bend your knees, feeling slightly lightheaded. You huffed a little and righted yourself, letting Kaoru test out the two veils on your head with the tiara, telling you to decide which one you think looked best.

You decided against the first one since it was too fancy and chose the second veil that was extremely thin and only had a simple thicker lace border to lightly weigh it down. And with the more intricate tiara on to of it to hold it in place better, it just looked perfect. Haruhi nodded in approval of your choice, you saw it in the mirror as she sat in a chair nearby, watching. She had helped you choose the dress though the twins had shunned her from helping with the fitting since she didn't know anything about how to go about such a thing.

When your fitting was done and the dress was all set for alterations, you treated the twins and Haruhi to some snacks and coffee in the garden. All that was left was to wait for the day of the event, everything else was in place. The thought of it made butterflies flutter around in your belly, a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The host club had shown up at the beginning of the week to help with the last few preparations and now the big day was only two days away and the air around the palace was thick, tense with anticipation of the important event.

In what felt like the blink of an eye, you woke up on your wedding day, the twins shaking you awake and opening your curtains to let the sun in. You groaned and rolled over him bed trying to go back to sleep, having hardly gotten any during the night because you'd been so anxious about today. It showed on your face, dark circles under your eyes and Kaoru pulled you to sit up, gently patting your cheek. "Come on sleepy head, you've gotta get dressed, it's your wedding day," he said and you yawned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and allowing him to help you out of bed while Hikaru grabbed your dress and shoes from the closet.

An hour later you stood behind the closed door while the twins went to take their places in the seats in the front row, ready with their phones to record their friends' wedding. Honestly, it felt like you were dreaming as the doors were opened for you when Tamaki began to play the notes on the piano for your walk down the aisle. Your mother slowly and gracefully led you down the aisle by your arm. You spotted your friends that were seated in the front row and they all smiled at you when you locked eyes with each of them for a second. If they were happy for you then maybe this wasn't such a scary leap of faith after all. It was in that moment your eyes met Kyoya's who was standing and waiting patiently beside the podium the priest stood behind and everything just fell away from you. The only thing you could see was your fiance standing there looking so calm even though his eyes betrayed his nervousness... and that ghost of a smile on his lips... he looked so perfect in every way. Yes, you would definitely remember this moment for the rest of your life and couldn't help the wide, almost goofy, smile that appeared on your lips behind your thin veil.

As you reached the podium and stood to face Kyoya, he took your hands in his own and your mother moved off to the side to stand and observe the ceremony from her place of honor beside Haruhi as your mother. Her little girl was getting married and it was enough to bring little tears to her eyes, threatening to slide down her cheeks as she smiled happily. She only wished that your father could be here to see this moment, but she supposed he was watching over this day in heaven now and that reassuring thought helped her be able to not cry for real.

As the ceremony proceeded smoothly, all that you could focus on was the voice of the priest reading from his script and the boy standing in front of you that you had come to love so much this past almost year. Before you knew it, the two of you had said your 'I do's and Kyoya pulled you close to him by your waist, pressing his lips firmly to yours when he was given permission to do so. You could tell just from the feel of the kiss that Kyoya was overjoyed even if on the outside, for everyone else to see, he acted like this was no big deal. You knew otherwise and it made you inwardly smile that such a simple act as getting married could make this normally stoic boy as happy as a child in a candy shop.

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