~~Date in Denmark~~

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After recovering from a bit of jet lag with another nap, you decided to wake up early the next morning. Any nervousness you'd had the day before was long gone and you were only happy and excited to show Kyoya around Denmark for the weekend. You'd bring him to all your favorite places and show him all the pretty sights. You hopped out of bed and eagerly ran over to your closet, digging around for a nice dress to wear. You eventually found one you liked and got changed into it. It was a long sleeve, (f/c) dress that stopped at your mid thigh. You knew today would be chilly so you added a white belt you cinch the dress at your waist and a white and black striped scarf to wrap around your neck, adding a pair of sheer white tights for an extra later before slipping your feet into some cute winter boots. The boots didn't really go with your outfit but you didn't care since they still looked cute and the outfit as a whole still looked cute too.

Once you were all ready, you left your room, only to bump right into Sebastian who had been about to knock on your door and see if you were awake and wanted some breakfast. "Ah, Sebastian! Sorry about that." You laughed lightly and smiled at the man standing before you. "It's quite alright, what's got you up and ready for the day so early this morning? Only Henning is up right now. He's down in the dining hall." the butler said and you shook your head. "Could you show me which room Kyoya's staying in? I want to wake him up and take him out sightseeing." you smiled brightly and Sebastian nodded with a small smile of his own, leading you down the hall a few rooms before he stopped and knocked on the door to the guest room Kyoya was staying in for the weekend.

There was no answer, not even when Sebastian knocked a second and third time to try and get a response. "Darn, he's still asleep. Think it'd be okay if I went in to wake him up myself?" you asked hopefully, looking at the door then back up at Sebastian. "I don't see why not. I'll make the two of you some coffee to take with you when you're ready to leave." He said and walked off, leaving you alone in front of the door to Kyoya's guest room. You hesitated a moment before knocking lightly on the door, opening it slowly afterward.

You smiled warmly when you peeked your head in and saw your boyfriend sleeping soundly in bed on his side, facing the door. Shutting the door behind you, you fully entered the room and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it to stare down at your cute sleeping boyfriend. You reached a hand over and gently pushed some hair away from his forehead, leaning down to place a light kiss on the spot you'd just uncovered. Kyoya sighed in his sleep at the touch, shifting to lay on his back.

"Hey, Kyoya, get up sleepy head. I want to go on a date with you, come on." You said, voice quiet but hopefully loud enough that it would reach him as he slept. You even placed a hand on his shoulder and gently shook it to try and rouse him. It took you nearly five whole minutes just to get him to groan and shift into a slightly seated position in the bed, propped up on his pillows against the headboard. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at who had dared to wake him up, the death glare softening when he saw your face. "Finally. You sleep like the dead. Sebastian is making coffee for us. I wanna go out for a date, come on, get ready," You said, getting off his bed but not before you placed a kiss on his cheek. "I expect you to be out in the hallway in the next half hour, mister." You ordered with a teasing tone. If he took longer than that, you wouldn't care all that much but you were just excited and raring to take Kyoya out for a date in your home city, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Despite your teasing, he took the order seriously and met you and Sebastian out in the hallway in just under a half hour. You were honestly surprised, though it was kinda cute how he'd taken it seriously. You took a coffee from Sebastian and handed it to Kyoya, holding his free hand in yours as Sebastian handed you the second coffee for you to have to yourself. And with that, you two were out of the palace and into a car waiting out front to drive you around. If it hadn't been so chilly, you would have ridden a bike or something but it was still cold season here where over in Japan it was beginning to warm up again gradually as winter came to a close.

Kyoya sat in silence in the car, sipping his coffee to wake himself up while you watched the scenery out the window. The car stopped after about a twenty-minute drive and you got out of the car, waiting patiently for Kyoya to join you in the chilly morning air. You could see your breath puff out in little white clouds and it made you smile, letting out a deeper breath of air to make the cloud bigger. When Kyoya stood beside you and took your hand, you stopped and began to lead him off to sightsee, pointing out some of your favorite shops or cafes as you passed them by. Not much was open right now as it was still pretty early in the morning.

It was a relaxing walk through one part of downtown Nyhavn as you just drank coffee and chatted with a quiet Kyoya. It may have been a one-sided conversation but you knew he was listening to every word. He was just too tired to talk back with you and you didn't mind it. By mid-morning, you were already chilled to the bone and starting to get hungry since all you'd had for breakfast was a cup of coffee, shivering as you walked a little closer to Kyoya. "Why don't we find a cafe to warm up in and get something to eat?" He suggested, finally speaking up as the coffee fully kicked in to wake him up. You nodded at the suggestion, thanking him quietly as you two made your way to a cafe just a little farther down the street that had just opened for business a few minutes earlier.

~~Time Skip~~

It was beginning to get dark as you and Kyoya got picked up by a family car outside a museum close to the palace. It had been a long day and both of you were chilled to the bone from walking around all day in the cold as you took Kyoya sightseeing, showing him all your favorite places in the city. You also took him to two free public museums. He had enjoyed himself but now he wanted nothing more than to go back to the palace and relax with a warm drink after a long day out. You felt the same, your feet aching from standing and walking around all day; your shoulder that had carried your purse all day was a little sore now too but it had been well worth it to spend the whole day with your Kyoya.

Sebastian was waiting at the door for your return with two big mugs of hot chocolate to help you two warm up. He handed them to you and took your scarves and coats, putting them away in a nearby closet as you two walked off into the palace, probably to find a sitting room or something to relax in. His guess wasn't too far off. You followed Kyoya back to his guest room, drinking your hot chocolate along the way and it was almost gone by the time you reached the room in question. Kyoya sat on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to him for you to sit beside him, you happily obliged and snuggled right up to his side while you two finished off your drinks and he set both mugs aside...

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