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When you returned to Japan and spent a couple days catching up on homework, you spent every free minute trying to come up with a plan to have a reason to call off the engagement to Lars. Sure, he may have been a nice guy if you got to know him, but that wasn't really the issue, you just didn't want to be forced into a marriage you weren't ready for with someone you hardly knew. During the next week at school, still playing a bit of catch up with your studies, you neglected attending the host club.

The twins and Haruhi knew you were back at school and of course, they were a little concerned when you strayed from your usual routine of visiting the host club to see one of them during club hours. Hikaru and Kaoru both tried to get answers out of you as to what was going on but you completely brushed them off, figuring they wouldn't understand how you felt about your situation. However, when Haruhi approached you after school on your way out of class, you gave in and spilled the details of your arranged marriage to her.

"I don't want to marry someone I don't know but I have no clue how I'm supposed to come up with a good reason to call the engagement off with Lars.." you fretted to Haruhi who put a hand on her chin and rubbed it a little, thinking hard about a way she might be able to help you. "Perhaps if there was someone that you were already in a relationship with you would be able to call off the engagement?" the brunette suggested after a short silence between the two of you. It wasn't a half bad idea, but where would she find a boyfriend that actually liked her for her and not for her status? And in such a short time...

"I don't know, Haruhi, everyone here knows my status.. Where am I gonna find somebody to be my boyfriend that doesn't just want my wealth or a higher status?" "Hmm, that is difficult I suppose. But I thought you had a crush on Kyoya-Senpai?" that question made your cheeks heat up and you huffed at your friend. "I most certainly do not have a crush on Kyoya. He's always acting so high and snobbish...except when he's not..." you sighed a bit in defeat. Yeah, that warm feeling you always got when Kyoya would look at you or talk to you, even when being cold and standoff-ish was definitely a type of attraction.

"Damn you, Haruhi, I don't know how you can read people like books, but it's a little scary sometimes." you chuckled a little at her and she just shrugged. "Well if you do like him, why not tell him? He does seem to act differently around you, more... caring. It's hard to tell but perhaps the feeling is mutual? You won't know unless you try. I mean, the worst he could do is reject you, right? And you'll just have to find somebody else."

You sighed heavily at her logic. Haruhi definitely had a point. The worst Kyoya could do is say he doesn't like you back and that would be the end of that. You did like him, though you hadn't truly realized it until you were forced to talk it out with someone. "I guess I'll try to tell him after club tomorrow... thanks for trying to help me, Haruhi. I owe ya one."

~~Time Skip~~

You took a deep breath and let it out, a bit shaky as you reached for the door handle to music room three at the end of the school day. You turned the handle and entered the room, peeking your head in first before walking all the way in when you spotted the boy you had come here to talk to. Kyoya was seated on one of the couches, computer on his lap as he typed away, totaling up the club budget for the past month to see if they'd gone over or if they had extra to put towards next month's budget. He heard the door to the room open and looked up for a second to see who it was, fixing his glasses with one finger. "Hello (y/n), what brings you here after hours?" He asked cooly, turning his attention back to his computer screen.

You walked over silently, not responding right away because you were nervous about this. But when you reached the couch he was seated on, you let out a nervous breath and stood in front of him. "Kyoya-Senpai, I-I just wanted to tell you that I, uh... I really l-like you." you stuttered out, lightly biting your lip as your cheeks heated up and turned a light red color. This was nerve-wracking and you felt like your heart was going to explode, it was beating so fast; you awkwardly stared at the floor to avoid eye contact with the raven-haired male sitting in front of you, waiting for him to say something.

Kyoya was rendered speechless, a rare sight. He sat there in silence for a moment, looking up at you. Why did he feel happy about this? Why did his heart speed up when he heard those words come out of your mouth? He could feel his own face heat up, cheeks turning a pale shade of pink. Girls had confessed their affections to him in the past but he'd never felt anything for them and always just politely turned them down... so why was this time different? Perhaps if he were to entertain this warm feeling he had it would help him to better understand just what it was he was actually feeling.

You looked up when you heard Kyoya close his laptop and set it on the coffee table, your cheeks still red as you dared to take a glance at his face. What you saw surprised you; his cheeks were tinted pink and one side of his mouth was curled up into a tiny smirk though it didn't seem mischievous, it actually looked like he was trying to smile but it turned out awkward instead. "(y/n), I don't know if this feeling I have is what you feel for me, but I would like to explore it with you to find out. If you'll let me," he said in a cool tone, offering his hand for you to take, which you did. You nodded, awkwardly, though a small smile soon appeared on your face as you watched Kyoya lift your hand, placing a light kiss to your knuckles.

"I suppose this means that for the time being, you and I are in a relationship?" he asked you, just to clarify and make sure that you were both on the same page. Hearing this made your cheeks darken another shade of pink but you nodded, your smile growing into a slightly brighter one. Step one in a plan to break of your arranged marriage was now complete, now you just had to figure out what else to do. Just claiming you had a boyfriend wasn't enough. You would have to have proof of the relationship being at least somewhat serious... perhaps some pictures of you and Kyoya together? That was the only thing you could think of at the moment, so for now, you decided that you would just allow things to happen and see how it goes...

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