~~Late Night~~

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After a wonderful dinner, the eight of you retired to the sitting room again to play a few card games. Hunny and Haruhi were the first to fall asleep, laying on couch pillows on the floor between you and Mori. They were adorable just laying there curled up slightly on the floor, heads propped up on their pillows with cards still in their hands. "I'll bring Haruhi to bed," Tamaki said and set his hand of cards on the coffee table, Mori seemed to have the same idea, following his actions and going to pick up Hunny. "Goodnight guys," you said to them, quiet enough to not wake the sleeping hosts. They offered you small smiles and off they went to put their friends to bed.

That left you alone with Kyoya and the twins, which you didn't mind since at least you weren't alone with Kyoya. You didn't have much time to let your mind recall the incident with Kyoya because Hikaru put his hand of cards face up with a rather evil sounding laugh. "Royal Flush!" he stated proudly and you huffed, tossing your rather shitty hand of cards at him, a groan emitting from Kaoru who appeared to also have a crappy hand. Kyoya kept silent but fixed his glasses, looking a little annoyed as he set his hand face up on the table. It was a pair, and a low one at that, only two fours. Despite this, you and the twins shared a good laugh. "Well, I'm going to bed, I don't think my poor heart can handle another loss to you two devil twins at poker," you laughed as you stood, flashing the three boys a smile before you walked out of the room, heading off to your bedroom.

Once inside your room, you shut the oak door and grabbed an oversized t-shirt you'd "borrowed" from your father's wardrobe before coming here to Japan. It made you feel a little less lonely when you had to be here with no one else but the maids and butler. You missed your parents and this just helped you feel more at home here in this big estate by yourself. With the shirt in hand along with a pair of fresh underwear, you headed to the attached bathroom to take a nice bath before bed. You knew you wouldn't have time in the morning. You would be way too excited to do something so slow and relaxing if you waited until the morning. You didn't want to miss a minute of the holiday tomorrow.

You set the clothing on top of the closed toilet lid and grabbed a towel, hanging it on the hook on the wall beside the sink to be used when you would finish your bath. As you let the tub start to fill up with nice hot water, you looked under the sink at your assortment of scented bath salts, trying to decide which one you wanted to use tonight. It took you a moment but you eventually decided on the green tea one. It smelled light and earthy and the actual finely ground tea leaves mixed in would give the bath an almost healing effect. It would definitely help you relax before bed, that was for sure. You opened the container and used the little plastic scoop to put some of it into now nearly full bath before putting it back where you got it from.

"Perfect." you smiled, stepping into the slightly steaming water and sinking down into a seated position in the tub after you'd gotten undressed. You leaned against the back of the tub with a soft sigh, looking up at the ceiling before closing your eyes to just relax. The steaming water warmed you up and helped your muscles to relax after a long day of stressing out and being too excited about having guests. You relaxed in the bath for a while, thinking about how today had gone and smiled to yourself. It really had been a great evening hanging out with all your friends for the holiday but you were even more excited to spend the actual day of Christmas together with them too.

When the water began to grow stale and lose some of its comforting warmth, you sighed and opened your eyes, standing up to get out of the bath. You stepped out onto the fluffy mat of the floor beside the tub and grabbed your towel, wrapping it around yourself to cover up as you pulled the plug to drain the bath. As the water slowly went down the drain, you unwrapped your towel and began to rub and pat yourself dry in order to change into your night clothes.

~~Time Skip~~

You grumbled and turned over in your bed once again, glancing at your alarm clock on the bedside table. The bright red number showed that it was just after three in the morning. The bath you had taken earlier should have helped you fall asleep easier since it had been nice and relaxing but yet, here you were, awake in the wee hours of the morning. You didn't understand it. Your body felt plenty relaxed and you were comfortable in your nice warm bed but yet your mind was far from quiet.

Thoughts raced through your head, stuff that had happened last night, last week, even a month ago; no matter how hard you tried to just force yourself to sleep, a new thought train interrupted you. To say it was annoying was a bit of an understatement. If you didn't get some sleep soon then you knew you would be in a foul mood later on and you didn't want that, not when you had guests over. You sighed with a little huff, sitting up in the bed to look around the room without a purpose. "Maybe a snack would help?" you mumbled quietly to yourself and got up, sliding your feet into your soft slippers before leaving your bedroom.

The door creaked a little, disturbing the thick silence in the hallway for a moment and it made you pause, hoping the noise hadn't woken Haruhi or the boys across the hall. You waited a moment to see if you could hear anyone stirring in their rooms nearby and when all was silent, you proceeded quietly down the hall to the kitchens to find yourself something to eat. You found yourself a fresh apple and wiped it off on your shirt before biting into it, beginning to make your way back to your bedroom.

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