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Since that day at the beach, you had been feeling a little off. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, you just felt off. You had less energy, spaced out more often and even developed a small cough. It took about a week to go through the process of developing a cough and by the time it had settled into a noticeable annoying cough, you realized too late that you had caught some kind of sickness. It started out as more of an annoying inconvenience than anything serious, but the cough lasted a week and only got worse until one morning you woke up with a mild fever.

You opened your eyes with a groan and looked over at your alarm clock beside your bed. It was only six in the morning, too early for school and too early for someone so sick. You felt so strange, aching all over, you were way too hot with your blankets on but yet you were shivering. You'd felt this before, having been sick like this a few times in the past but every time it still felt so strange to be so hot but so cold at the same time. You rolled over in bed and tossed off your blanket so that only the thin sheet covered you and after a short while of laying there with your eyes closed, you fell back to sleep.

You woke up an hour later to the beeping of your alarm going off, signaling that it was time to get up and get ready to go to school. Groaning in annoyance, you sat up in the bed and stretched a little. You felt a little better than you had an hour ago but only barely. The shivering had stopped but you still felt cold and overly hot. No matter, you had a test today and were determined to go to class so as not to miss it. It took you a little longer than normal to get ready for school, but when you were, you headed out the door without eating breakfast, already running late for class. The driver was waiting for you, opening the door to the limo that would be taking you to the campus.

As the limo stopped and the driver came around to open the door for you, he handed you a disposable face mask, having noticed that you looked sick. You didn't complain and put it on, waving to him as you headed into the main building to go to your first class, the class you had the test in. Luckily, you were only about five minutes late to the class and were able to get the test from the teacher and take it with no problems. It wasn't until you had your study period and had nothing to distract yourself with that you began to feel lightheaded and sicker than before...

You had nowhere else to be and nothing else to do, so as usual, you made your slow way to music room three to go hang out with one of the hosts at the Host Club. You had booked Haruhi today, just feeling like having some calm girl talk. Yes, you knew she was a female. It was painfully obvious even if she tried to hide it and you were honestly surprised none of the other guests had been able to figure it out. But it was a secret so you just kept your mouth shut and let her continue her charade. Besides, you didn't want to do anything to hurt the Host Club or your friend, Haruhi.

You took off the mask and entered the room, Kyoya greeted you at the door and gestured over to where Haruhi sat at a table by herself, waiting for your appointment with her. You gave Kyoya a weak smile, one that was barely there, as you passed him by and walked over to sit down across from Haruhi at the table, chatting quietly with the cross-dressing host.

That smile that you gave Kyoya was plaguing his mind and he couldn't put his finger on why... it was so weak, you had looked so weak and tired. Slight dark circles under your eyes, face more pale than normal but your cheeks were slightly flushed pink. Even the way you had walked slower than normal over to Haruhi has thrown him for a loop. You were sick. Definitely a fever, he'd pieced together, yet he was surprised Haruhi hadn't noticed it as the two of you chatted away.

Haruhi's obliviousness didn't last very long though, as your speech began to get quieter and more disjointed, your eyes seeming out of focus for a moment only to refocus on her and then go hazy again. You felt yourself begin to fall sideways out of the chair you had been seated in and you expected to hit a hard floor but all you felt before losing consciousness was something warm and soft under you.

Haruhi had noticed you beginning to pass out and rushed from her chair to catch you before you could hit the floor. She had managed to get to you just in time, sitting on the floor with you in her lap, a sudden hush falling over the room full of guests and hosts as all attention was drawn to the two of you. "Attention everyone, the Host Club is closing early, please exit in an orderly fashion, you will all receive compensation for canceled appointments." Kyoya broke the silence and all the guests just nodded in disappointment as they said goodbye to the hosts they were visiting with and left the room.

Once the hosts were alone in the room and you were safely laid down to rest on a couch, Tamaki and Hunny began to panic. There was no need, you had only passed out from a fever, hunger and being a bit overworked while being sick. You would be fine, but they didn't know that yet, fretting over every possible worst-case scenario. "Would you guys just calm down? She isn't dying, she's just sick." Haruhi huffed at the panicking hosts and with a pointed look from Kyoya, ushered them all out of the room to get some fresh air while Kyoya, the only one of them with proper medical knowledge, looked after you.

He placed the back of his hand on your forehead to get a general feel for your temperature, shaking his head as you coughed lightly in your sleep. You were breathing a bit heavily, clearly overheated and uncomfortable and he pulled his hand away from your forehead to go ahead and take off your shoes, setting them beside the couch. It was all he could do without making you indecent and he refused to do that, not to someone so sweet and innocent, and especially not in a place where anyone could come in at any moment. He left you there, looking back at you once or twice as he walked to the back room to look for something. He didn't really want to leave you alone when you were so vulnerable, not with those creepy twins skulking around. They weren't in the room but still, he didn't trust them around a helpless young lady. They could be quite the handful at times and tended to go overboard with their games and teasing.

When he found what he was looking for, Kyoya fixed his glasses and walked back out to where you were still laying on the couch, asleep. Seeing as nobody else was around, he gave you a soft look, feeling bad for you. If you were so sick, why had you come to school? Could it be just because of the test in your first-period class? Hikaru and Kaoru had mentioned having a test before club today... yeah, that had to be it. Why else would you push yourself when you were obviously not up for being out and about today. Thoughts like that ran through his mind as he placed an ice pack wrapped in a rag on your forehead to try and cool you down. He put a thin throw blanket over you as well when you began to shiver from the cold pack on your forehead.

~~Time Skip~~

Kyoya let the other hosts back in once Haruhi texted him that they had cooled down and were no longer panicking. They all just sat around in the club room, waiting for you to wake up. But you were out like a light the rest of the day, obviously needing rest. When the end of the day bell rang, the other hosts all went home except for Kyoya and Haruhi who stayed behind. "I'll take her home, you can go, Haruhi," Kyoya said in a quiet voice, sounding tired himself. The female host hesitated, not wanting to leave you when you were so sick, but she nodded and sighed, waving goodbye to Kyoya as he gently picked you up to carry you to his limo waiting to take him home at the front gate.

His driver opened the door when he approached the vehicle and Kyoya set you gently inside before taking a seat beside you. The driver closed the door and got back into his seat, looking back at Kyoya through the little window, silently asking where they were going. "(address)," was all Kyoya told the driver, and off the car went, taking the both of you to your estate. Security stopped the limo at the gate, asking the driver who was here as they weren't expecting any guests today. Kyoya spoke up from the back of the limo. "Kyoya Ootori." he stated simply, hoping it would be enough to get them through the gate so that he could bring you home. The guard hesitated but when he peeked into the back of the vehicle to get a look at Kyoya, he noticed you sleeping, laying down on the seat beside the boy and nodded to the gate operator who opened it and allowed the car to pass through.

Kyoya let out a sigh of slight relief that they'd been allowed to pass without any problems. He was pretty sure, based on the guard's reaction, that they didn't actually know who he was, or if they did, they were just confused. It didn't matter so long as he got you home safely. Though, of course, he would act as if nothing had happened when at school the next day, appearances and all, you know...

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