~~First Kiss~~

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It was starting to get dark when you and Kyoya were just finishing up building a snowman at the park and you were beginning to get a little tired. The excitement was still going strong and it was really the only thing keeping you going at the moment. It had been a really fun day but now you wanted nothing more than to go back home and have some dinner, take a bath and go to sleep. After putting the final touches on the snowman, Kyoya took your cold hand in his slightly warmer one, leading you off towards his limo that hed called to meet them outside the park a few minutes ago.

On the ride back to your estate, you sat close to Kyoya, shivering a little now that the warm air inside the vehicle was making you realize how cold you had been outside. Kyoya was a bit warmer and you could feel it radiating off him with you seated so close to him and you subconsciously shifted closer, placing your head on his shoulder. You slipped your arms around the one you were leaning on to hug it and make the position a bit more comfortable for you. Being cold like this and having your own personal heat source so close like this made you a bit more cuddly than you would have been normally.

Kyoya's cheeks turned a light pink at the contact, not having been prepared for it but he didn't push you off, feeling you shivering a little. He let you stay like that the whole ride and only moved away from you when the limo stopped in front of your estate. He helped you out of the vehicle and held your hand on the way to the door, but you stopped him before he could knock on the door to alert the butler to your return. "Thank you for today, Kyoya. It was really nice and I had a lot of fun with you," you said in a soft voice, a light pink blush on your cheeks, but whether it was from the cold or not was uncertain to the boy. His cheeks soon turned the same shade of pink when he saw your face get closer to his own and felt a pair of soft, just slightly chapped lips on his cheek. You smiled up at Kyoya when you pulled away from kissing his cheek, standing normally again.

Kyoya stood there in shock for a moment, his stomach turning with butterflies at what just happened. It was certainly unexpected, but not as unexpected as what he did next, his body moving on its own. He backed you against the front door of your estate, firmly planting one hand on the door beside your shoulder, the other hand coming up to gently tip your chin up so you were looking up at him. You blinked a few times, your cheeks turning redder by the second, not entirely sure what had come over Kyoya. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach flutter around almost violently in anticipation of what might happen. Kyoya smirked slightly, leaning in until your faces were almost touching, your lips only an inch or so apart and you could feel his hot breath on them.

It was then that you fully understood what was happening and you looked into his eyes through his glasses that were slightly fogging up; you closed your eyes a second later and almost as soon as you did, you felt Kyoya press his lips against yours. He moved the hand on your chin to rest on your cheek lightly when he was certain you wouldn't pull away. His cheeks were flushed red as he closed his eyes as well, smiling against your lips when he felt you bring your arms up to wrap them around his shoulders. It was gentle and sweet, nothing like what you expected it to be when he suddenly backed you into the door of your estate. But you definitely liked how it felt.

You were a little overwhelmed by it, but you wouldn't admit to that. At least not out loud, and definitely not to Kyoya. You didn't want him to worry that he had moved too quickly for you. It was a little fast, but since it felt good, you just went along with it. Besides, if you really wanted him to stop, you would have pushed him away by now...

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