~~Going Too Far~~

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The next few days weren't much better, though nothing as extreme happened, some people just called you names and started to spread rumors, others tripped you or bumped into you to make you drop papers and books or even your lunch. They always waited until Kyoya wasn't around to see any of it happen and you did your best to not let him know what was going on. Yet your husband was still suspicious. And who wouldn't be when you weren't exactly the best liar. An actor? Sure. A decent liar? Not so much...

You did eventually get used to the simple bullying going on, pushing it to the back of your mind as best you could, letting it fade into your everyday routine. It bothered you, sure, but you didn't want anyone to know it did. That would just give the bullies the satisfaction of their acts getting to you. That was until things started to get worse one day.

It started early in the morning as you were heading to your first class while Kyoya went off to find Tamaki and discuss some club stuff. You walked through the hall with your head down slightly, looking at the floor as you walked. You hadn't slept much last night due to playing catch up on some homework and talking on the phone with Honey-Senpai for a good portion of the night. He'd felt lonely and called each person of the host club but nobody had answered so he tried you. It had been a nice conversation but you had stayed up way too late because of it. That boy could ramble on for hours if he was allowed to, you made a mental note of that in case he ever called at night to just talk again. As you walked passed a pair of girls, one put her foot out and effectively tripped you, making you fall forward with a little gasp of surprise.

You caught yourself on your hands and knees, wincing at the still healing cut that hit the floor roughly. They snickered and the one that hadn't tripped you stepped over and kicked your side harshly, forcing you to fall to the opposite side on the floor and look up at them with just a blank look, not giving them the reaction they wanted from you. "Stay away from our Host Club you little slut." One giggled and smirked before they both just scoffed and walked off down the hall, leaving you to get up on your own. Once on your feet, you picked up your school bag and sighed, brushing off the skirt of your yellow uniform dress to fix it and placed a hand on your now bruised ribs. "Where did they even get the idea I'm some kind of whoring slut? I don't get it... Is it just because I like to book different hosts sometimes when I go to the club? Oh, whatever, I know I'm not that, so who cares what they say..." You thought, trying to convince yourself that their words had no effect. Your heartfelt differently though, it hurt to be called something so vulgar. You and the hosts were just friends, well except for Kyoya of course. But still, hearing that people thought you were being so openly disrespectful to your husband sent a pang through your heart. You would never cheat on Kyoya. You loved him dearly and any time you spent with the other hosts was strictly as friends.

Classes went by smoothly since there was always a teacher or one of the hosts present in the room but during lunch you decided to go eat outside in one of your classrooms on the second floor, wanting to be alone for a bit. Today had just been exhausting so far and the bullies this morning had dampened your mood from the start of the day. You set your box lunch on the desk you normally sat in by the window with a sigh and opened the window a bit to let some air in. The whole building just felt stuffy and suffocating today so a bit of fresh air was a welcome thing. You sat down and began to open up your lunch to start eating, but you only managed to eat about half of your food before the two girls from this morning came into the classroom looking for you. They must have followed you from your other classroom.

"Aww, look, she's all by herself." One commented loud enough for you to hear but it was directed at her friend who laughed and shot a devilish smirk your way. "Hmm, this is perfect Ayako, don't you think. It would be the perfect... accident to get her away from our dear Kyoya." The shorter of the two said with a low chuckle, pointing attention to the opened window. "Get her." She spoke again and the girl apparently named Ayako smiled sadistically, moving toward you. Ayako slammed a hand on your desk and loomed over you, placing herself between you and your only safe escape. You tried to get up and shove passed her but she was taller than you and clearly stronger as the next moment you were being roughly shoved backward. You stumbled over your chair and backed against the windowsill. "Bye-Bye, Princess Whore," Ayako said darkly, giving you one more rough push to both your shoulders. The partially open window pushed open farther as you hit against it.

Mori-Senpai sat by the window eating his lunch in the club room, just staring outside and watching the clouds while Honey-Senpai talked his ears off. But he suddenly stood when he heard a scream that was muffled through the glass of the window, his lunch clattering to the floor and making a mess. He pressed against the window to peer outside and down at the ground below, his eyes going wide at what he saw below. "Kyoya." He called out to the boy sitting calmly at his table in the back corner on the side of the room opposite the window. He looked up and stood at the sound of his name being called and then Mori's urgent running steps out of the club room. Something was horribly wrong and he had a sudden nauseous feeling in the pit of his stomach as he rushed to follow his friend out of the room and down the stairs until they got outside.

They stopped running when they saw you laying there on the ground, your right arm bent at an unnatural angle at the shoulder, just dislocated luckily. You left leg, however, was not so lucky as it was bent in the middle of your shin, obviously broken. But the worst of it was the trickle of blood that was just starting to seep into your (h/c) hair and onto the ground below your head. You'd hit it pretty hard, not hard enough to kill you, thankfully. But it certainly wasn't good. Kyoya paused only a moment and then ran ahead of Mori-Senpai and dropped to his knees by your side, eyes wide with horror and fear and anger as he watched your still open eyes slowly move from the clouds to look at him.

You had somehow stayed conscious after the impact but you weren't really there either. Your vision was blurry and you were seeing double as you stared at the clouds, numb with shock and pain. You saw a dark head of hair appear above you and you moved just your eyes to get a better look at who it was but they were blurry too. You could only make out a head of raven hair and the glint of the sun off a pair of glasses. "Kyo... ya..." You breathed out, barely audible but he saw your lips form the syllables of his name and then everything went black for you. There was no more pain, only a comfortable darkness as your eyes rested and so did your body, your breathing shallow and slow but your pulse was still almost normal. It was odd though... You couldn't see anything, but yet, this darkness was full of the sounds around you.

You could hear Mori's voice as he called an ambulance and you could hear the fast patter of multiple sets of feet coming towards you. The rest of the host club, most likely. You could hear the almost unnoticeable sniffle from Kyoya who still sat on his knees beside you. Tamaki was freaking out with Honey and the twins, that became comfortable background noise as softer footsteps moved closer, Haruhi setting a hand on Kyoya's shoulder. "She'll be okay. She's stronger than she looks." You could hear her voice say faintly to your husband who remained silent. You assumed he probably nodded in acknowledgment to her statement.

A few minutes later the muffled sound of sirens reached your ears and you felt yourself being picked up but for some reason, it was only the sensation of being lifted, you couldn't feel the hands that moved you, nor the softer surface of the contraption under you as you were loaded into the ambulance and driven off. All you could feel during the drive was the warmth of a hand in yours, gently holding it. You didn't hear who it was, but you assumed it was Kyoya. Why did that name seem to be difficult to recall? Perhaps you were just tired. Today had been hectic and scary and your mind was a mess, yet it was also perfectly clear of all thoughts by the time you felt yourself being moved around again. A moment later you didn't even feel anything or hear anything for that matter. Perfect, uninterrupted silence in the dark of your own mind. That scared you more than anything but your thoughts were completely silent too. There was just nothingness...

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