~~Beach Mishap~~

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When you reached the water, you grabbed Kyoya's hand without thinking and pulled him along behind you into the surf and only stopped when the water reached your waist. It was cool but not too cold, just the right temperature to be able to cool off on a hot day like today and you smiled happily as you held your nose, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes before going under water. Kyoya stood there silently, watching, waiting for you to come back up and when you did, he shook his head with a tiny smile at how your hair was a complete mess, covering your eyes that were still closed.

You pushed your hair back and wiped the water from your eyes and nose so you could look at the boy before you with a smile. "Come on, Kyoya, its no fun if you just stand there looking bored." You laughed lightly and smirked a tiny bit, sending a splash of water his way. He took a step back out of surprise and tried to block it from getting on him to no avail. With his upper body and hair now wet, he sighed and, to your surprise, splashed you back, but only a little. This made you laugh and try to block it from getting in your face, which didn't work too well but no matter.

The two of you ended up having a mini splash battle and it had you smiling until a larger gust of wind caused a wave larger than the more gentle ones before it to smack right into you. It got water in your mouth as it pushed you under the water. Luckily you were able to gain footing again since you weren't so deep you couldn't touch the sand below you. You breached the surface as the wave moved on and coughed, trying to get rid of the burning in your throat that the salty seawater had left as it went down the wrong pipe when you'd first gone under.

When you came back up and started coughing a lot, Kyoya moved to your side and patted your back, trying to help you out, not knowing what else to do as it had been a bit sudden. Thankfully, this did help and you coughed up a little bit of water, clearing your throat and groaning in slight annoyance at what just happened. "You alright?" Kyoya asked you, his usually flat tone now laced with a little bit of worry for your wellbeing. You nodded slowly, his hand still on your back, clearing your throat once more because it still stung from the salty water. "Would you like to go back or...?" he trailed off, not sure what else to say but he just wanted to make sure you were alright. You shook your head and sunk a little in the water until it came up to your chin, lifting your feet from the sand below you to swim off a little ways away from Kyoya. You did pause and look back at him when you were a few feet away, waiting to see if he'd follow you. You still wanted to swim despite the little mishap.

Kyoya sighed and shook his head at you, deciding it couldn't hurt to follow you for a little swim as you seemed alright despite swallowing some sea water. And besides, you were his guest today, although impromptu, and he had an obligation as a Host Club member on duty to entertain his guests. He swam over to meet you but before he could reach you, you swam off ahead again, leading him around and laughing that silky giggle you had when you were happy. He had to admit, you did make this trip interesting so far. Had you not come over to bother him, he would have sat there absorbed in his notebook and calculations the entire time and been bored out of his mind. But right now he was actually enjoying himself... though he didn't let it show on his features too much. After all, he was the cool type of the host club and needed to keep up appearances for the sake of the other guests at the beach with the club today...

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