~~Back to School~~

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Your wedding had been televised and when you returned to school, it was no surprise that everyone knew what had happened over the summer between you and Kyoya. As you walked into your first class of second-year, a few people congratulated you but the majority of the girls shot glares at you. You tried your best to ignore the mean looks that bore into you, watching your every move as you sat down in your seat beside Kaoru. "Ignore them, (y/n). They're just jealous because you married one of the hosts." He said and offered a smile, Hikaru looked over from his seat on the other side of Haruhi, who wasn't here yet. It was a little early after all. "Yeah, they get that way with Haruhi when he gets close to the boss." You just nodded and gave them a small smile back. At least you had some friends that weren't upset with your life. You hadn't known that your personal matters could cause such a reaction from your classmates. But you hoped it would only be mean looks. Those were easy to deal with...

Morning class went on as normal once the teacher walked in and shushed everyone. It was boring and you couldn't really focus, thinking about what the twins had said. "-(/n)... (y/n)" You broke out of your thoughts to look up in front of your desk at who was calling your name. "Ah, Haruhi, what's up?" "Class is over, are you joining us at the club today? You can walk with me if you are." She said with a little smile that faded when you shook your head. "I don't want to interfere with Kyoya's club duties." "You could just sit with a different host? I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much if you sat with me or Mori-Senpai and Honey-Senpai. Sitting with the twins or Tamaki-Senpai might get him jealous though all things considered." She chuckled and you did to with a small nod, standing up and grabbing your school bag. "I guess I can come to sit with you today then, it would be nice to have a bit of girl talk if you've got no other guests of course."

Haruhi smiled and nodded, leading the way to music room three and opening it. You followed her inside and looked around. "Are we early? I don't see Tamaki or Kyoya..." You said mostly to yourself but looked to Haruhi for confirmation. "Yeah, I guess so. I'm sure they'll show up in a few minutes, let's go set up my table and we can hang out while we wait for the club to open." Haruhi said with a smile, taking your hand and gently pulling you along to her table so you could have a seat. "You can just wait here, I'll go get some tea and snacks, what flavor would you like (y/n)?" "Oh, uh, some Earl Grey with milk and sugar is fine for me, thank you Haruhi." You said with a small smile back at her before looking over at the twins table. They were practicing some new forbidden brotherly love skit for when the ladies would arrive. You rolled your eyes and shook your head slowly. The host club was the same as always and at least you had one consistent thing in your recently hectic life.

Haruhi had a couple of guests along with you to entertain but it was still enjoyable to sit with her for a change of pace and you left feeling much happier when the lunch bell rang and the club broke for lunch as well. You walked alone through the halls towards the main dining hall where most of the other students were already, leaving only a few stragglers in the halls walking to and from other classes. Your good mood didn't last as a girl who passed you by stuck her leg out, tripping you and making you fall on the tile floor with a small squeak in surprise. Another girl grabbed the school bag that had been tossed a short distance away from you when you fell. They ran off down the hall before you could get up from the floor to properly see who it had been. You sighed in annoyance as you stood and patted the skirt of your uniform down to fix it, continuing on your way to the dining hall.

You were lucky you kept your food money tucked away in the top of your knee high white socks today so at least you had that. You entered the lunchroom and went through the line to get food for yourself, paid and left to find Kyoya. He normally ate in the club room so that was where you headed. When you went in and saw him eating his lunch at his table you smiled and walked right over, sitting down across from him. "Hey, Kyoya, what did you get for lunch today?" You asked him, picking up your fork to start eating your own food as he looked up at you. "Haruhi made lunch for Tamaki and me today." He started then explained what was in the bento box. "Aww, that was nice of her. I'll have to ask her to make me a lunch sometime, the twins say her cooking is quite good." You said with a smile, continuing to eat.

"(y/n) I noticed you don't have your bag with you. You had it when you left your visit with Haruhi. Did you forget it in the lunchroom?" Kyoya asked, closing up in bento and setting it aside now that it was finished. "Oh, uh yeah I guess I must have. I did set it down to get my money out, I should go back and see if I can find it. I'll see you after school Kyoya." The awkward tone in your voice didn't go unnoticed by your new husband and he rose an eyebrow as he watched you leave the room with your lunch tray. "I wonder what really happened to her bag..." He muttered to himself, fixing his glasses on his nose.

In your cooking class that you were taking as an elective just for fun, another little incident happened. Thankfully it was the end of the day at that point though so you were able to skip out of the last few minutes of class without worrying about being late for another class after it. Somebody had planted a sharp kitchen knife blade up in your sink when you hadn't been looking and you'd cut your hand quite badly on it. And now you were seated on a bed in the infirmary while the nurse tended to the cut on your hand, disinfecting it and wrapping it with bandages. "That should do it. Make sure you change the bandages every day and reapply some disinfectant along with this healing ointment. The cut was deep but shouldn't leave a scar if you take care of it as instructed. School is over now, you're free to go home, miss Ootori." The nurse said as she handed you a small bottle, shooing you off out of her room so you could get on your way home. You thanked her and sighed heavily as you walked to the front gate of the school where you assumed Kyoya would be waiting in the limo already.

The driver stepped around and opened the back door for you and you climbed in, sitting down next to your husband who greeted you with a small smile. That smile only lasted a second when he spotted the bandages on your hand and no school bag insight. "(y/n), what happened to you? Are you alright?" He asked, gently picking up your hand and looking at the bandages as the car began to move. You yanked your hand away from him and pouted a little, not wanting to tell him the truth that people were being mean to you; you knew that knife in the sink hadn't been put there by you. You hadn't even used any knives during your project which had been making a cake. "I accidentally cut myself during cooking class, The nurse took care of it for me and told me to keep it clean and change the bandages every day. I'm fine, Kyoya, I promise." You offered him a smile and he hesitantly nodded, not buying it. Your eyes looked too dull to be smiling like that at him. Something was wrong and he would get to the bottom of it.

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