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You were slowly starting to wake up, though still in a half sleep state, you felt yourself being lifted up by a pair of capable arms. They felt warm and you subconsciously snuggled into the chest you were being held against, causing a certain boy with raven hair and glasses to blush, but only slightly. He walked from the limo that had brought you two here and carefully up the steps to the front door of the estate, tapping his foot against the door to knock on it since his arms were full with your body. A young butler opened the door and stepped to the side to allow Kyoya to walk inside the estate with you in his arms. "Right this way sir," the butler said politely, with a straight face and led the way up the stairs, slowly so that Kyoya could carefully follow without dropping you.

Once up the steps, Kyoya sighed a little in relief that he'd made it up them without dropping the delicate cargo in his arms. "What happened while she was at school, sir?" the butler asked, a bit hesitant though he was genuinely worried about the young princess that he served. He'd grown up with her in the palace back in Denmark, you and he had been friends when the two of you were young before your parents began to teach you how to be a proper princess. "She had a high fever and collapsed while attending the Host Club as a guest. We let her sleep in the back room since it seemed she needed the rest. I waited till the end of the day to bring her home since she was still sleeping when I went to check on her." Kyoya spoke, voice soft though monotone. Despite his tone being plain, it was rather obvious to the butler that he cared about your wellbeing. He assumed that you and this boy carrying you must be friends if he went through this much trouble just to bring you home safely.

When the butler reached your bedroom, he opened the door and allowed Kyoya through so he could lay you down on your bed that was perfectly made, probably by one of the maids earlier in the day. Kyoya laid you down and covered you up with the sheet, propping you up on your fluffy pillows to try and make sure you were comfortable. "I'll be right back with some tea for the both of you," the butler said and turned on his heel, walking away to go do what he said he would, leaving Kyoya alone with you in your bedroom, though the door was still open. Kyoya pulled the stool of your vanity over to seat himself beside the bed, just waiting for the butler to come back with the tea he'd been offered.

While he waited, you began to properly wake up, shifting in the bed as you yawned. Yawning only caused you to sit up and cough into your arm. It sounded awful and the suddenness of the sound even startled poor Kyoya who nearly fell off his seat as he turned to look at you. He stood and stepped closer to place a hand on your back, rubbing small circles on it slowly to try and ease your cough. "Kyoya?" you asked a bit confused when you cleared your throat, done coughing for now. He looked concerned but in your hazy feverish state, you thought nothing of seeing Kyoya out of his normal cold act.

"Just sit back and rest, you're home now. Why did you go to school if you were so sick this morning?" he asked, the worry now evident in his tone as he fretted over you, feeling your forehead with the back of his hand once again, a small relieved smile turning up the corners of his lips when he felt your fever was nearly gone now. "I had a test..." you pouted weakly, in no condition to back-sass him right now. "That's not a good excuse, you know. You passed out at the club room. You should have stayed home and rested." he lightly scolded you, unable to be mean when you looked at him so tired. You'd overslept and were still trying to shake the grip of sleep of your mind. "Did you bring me home, Kyoya?" you asked, changing the subject completely and he just nodded with a sigh.

~~Short Time Skip~~

It was almost dark when Kyoya decided it was time to leave and head home. He had homework and other company work to attend to before going to sleep but as he tried to get up and leave (y/n)'s room, a hand caught his sleeve and held onto it. "Stay for dinner. You brought me all the way home, the least I can do is feed you dinner to say thank you." You said with a smile, it seeming brighter now that your fever was almost completely gone. You were still rather exhausted and definitely still sick, but at least you had rested and were happier. Kyoya hesitated at the request but nodded before he could finish his own thoughts. Damn body, acting on its own. He must be tired to be acting so... unusual. Was that the word? Well, he certainly wasn't acting his usual cold self. This girl had a rather... unexpected... effect on him and he wasn't entirely sure that he liked this new feeling that he couldn't name...

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