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It was starting to get colder outside with each passing day as the holiday break neared. You were hoping to find a chance to invite the hosts to your estate for the break, even if it was just for Christmas day itself. And so you found yourself walking towards the third music room right after the last bell of the day, a few more days left before the break would begin. The club was closed and everyone had left except for Haruhi and Kyoya. The brunette was cleaning up the couches and table from cake crumbs, any spilled tea or coffee drops and cleaning all the tea sets that had been used during the day while Kyoya sat at a table that was already cleaned off, scribbling away in his black notebook.

Haruhi looked up from the couch she was brushing crumbs off of and turned her gaze to the door of the room when you opened it and stepped inside. She smiled and paused in what she was doing to come over and greet you, wondering what you wanted. You hadn't looked around the room yet, only noticing Haruhi because she came right over to you with a smile. "Hey Haruhi, I was wondering if Kyoya-Senpai was here? I wanted to ask him something," you said with a bright smile back at her when she nodded and pointed off to a table at the back. Your eyes followed her finger to where Kyoya was seated writing in his notebook.

Offering Haruhi a short bow and thanks, you made your way over to where Kyoya was, sitting in the chair next to him. "Hi, Kyoya-Senpai." He looked up at you and fixed his glasses with one finger, raising an eyebrow at you slightly to silently inquire what it was you came here to ask him about. He had to force himself to keep a straight face when you smiled happily at him. "I wanted to ask if the Host Club is able to spend the holiday at my estate. I can't go home only to come back a few days later so I thought maybe we could all spend a day or two of break together at my place. Nothing fancy or anything, just a friendly invite and maybe we can all get each other a little gift since you're all my friends."

Kyoya didn't respond right away but he did make a note in the top corner of his current notebook page, a date and time along with your address. It was the only part of the page you could clearly see from your seat and you smiled a little wider, happy he was agreeing to what you proposed for the Host Club. "That should be doable. We'd be happy to visit for the holiday," he finally said in a cool tone, looking at you but he looked back down at his notebook a second later because that happy look on your face only made the butterflies in his stomach flutter around more. "What a strange feeling..." He thought as he idly tapped the back of his pen on the notebook in front of him.

Having gotten such a positive answer, you hopped up out of your seat, startling a certain cross-dressing girl who'd been passing the table with a tray of half-filled teacups. The now room temperature tea spilled on your side and the floor as both you and Haruhi made small noises of surprise and took a step back from the mess. "Ah... sorry, Haruhi," you said in a soft voice, a little awkward but Haruhi just shook her head and offered you a little smile. "It's alright (y/n), I'll clean it up, why don't you go to the back room and clean up?" She said and walked off to get some cleaning supplies; you frowned a little as you stood there watching her. "I'll cover the cost of that tea set for her," you said to an annoyed looking Kyoya who seemed to relax at the comment with a little sigh, fixing his already fixed glasses.

You walked into the back room to find a set of clothes to change into, finding an extra boys uniform hanging up on the costume rack, you grabbed it and headed to one of the small changing cubicles and closed the pale yellow curtain. Sighing, you took your shoes and socks off first followed by your tea-stained yellow dress. You had worn suits before but the pants were something you always found to be uncomfortable. You always had liked skirts more, they were more lady-like and allowed for more range of movement when walking or running or anything really.

You put on the pants of the uniform and then your socks and shoes again, adding a belt to ensure the pants would stay on your hips as they were slightly too large for them. Next, you took the white button-up shirt off the hangar, hearing footsteps but paying them no mind since you thought it was just Haruhi. Because you thought it was only Haruhi, you shifted the curtain to try and talk to her, wanting to give her another apology for what just happened in the other room.

"Hey, Haru...hi..." You started, though as you looked up, the curtain held aside by your hand, your voice stopped itself, but not before it had attracted the attention of Kyoya who turned around. The two of you stood there for a moment, frozen as you stared at each other. You were standing there holding the curtain aside with one hand, the white button-up shirt on your shoulders but completely unbuttoned and showing off your cute (f/c) bra and your midriff. Your cheeks started to heat up, turning a deep pink color that stretched even to your ears.

Kyoya turned at hearing you speak, having come back here to grab his bag in order to put his notebook away, ready to head home. When he saw you he froze in his place, his pen and notebook clattering to the floor in the silence, his own cheeks heating up as he tried his damn hardest not to let his eyes wander more than they already had when he first looked at you and took in the image before him. Before he could force his voice to work and apologize to you, your hands moved to let go of the curtain and cover your chest with an embarrassed whine, the curtain falling back into its place to cut off his line of sight.

Neither of you said anything as you quickly finished getting the uniform on and folding up your dirty yellow dress while Kyoya hurriedly left the back room after gathering his notebook, pen, and bag. His cheeks were still stained a deep pink as he passed by Haruhi who gave him a confused look. "Kyoya-Senpai, are you al..right?" she asked only to be met with silence as Kyoya quickly left the club room to head out to his limo waiting to take him home.

Haruhi watched, still confused as you exited the back room with a deep blush on your cheeks as well, leaving in swift silence in the same manner Kyoya had. Something must have happened between you two to make the both of you embarrassed. Haruhi shook her head with a slightly amused chuckle at the both of your actions. To say it was rare for Kyoya to show such emotion was an understatement and seeing him so flustered was rather amusing, to say the least.

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