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**WARNING: Explicit Sexual Content** Don't like that sorta stuff? Feel free to skip ahead to the next chapter. :)


You got a little uncomfortable in this position since half your upper body was barely on the bed and your lower half wasn't on the bed at all. You gently pushed Kyoya away from you and sat up, pulling your legs up onto the bed and crawling further onto the soft mattress. You laid yourself back down on your back in the center of the bed, looking over at Kyoya who was finally taking off his glasses that had slid partway down his nose during his earlier actions. "Shall I continue now that my princess is comfortable?" He asked you in that low, teasing tone of his. It was easy to see he was getting quite into this and it'd be a lie if you said you weren't enjoying it too.

You nodded at Kyoya and he smiled, climbing onto the bed, caging you in with a leg and arm on either side of you as he hovered over you on his hands and knees. You wouldn't have gone anywhere anyway, but you let him have his dominant moment. You knew that if you made it known you didn't want something that he would stop. He wasn't aggressive with you when it came to things like this though you'd never actually gotten quite this far. Close, sure; but never farther than this. This would be the first time you two would attempt to take things a step farther than some heated kissing and light, still respectable, touching.

The raven-haired boy leaned down and kissed your cheek then your lips softly, just warm, chaste pecks as he moved back to your neck and collarbone to pick up where he'd been interrupted. He lingered a few kisses at your collarbone and brought a hesitant hand from supporting his weight to be lightly resting on your thigh. He was a little nervous that you'd come this far but that you might stop him right when he was getting so close to having some real fun with you. You hadn't minded his hand on your thigh before so he let it rest there a moment to let you get comfortable with his actions before pushing for more.

You could almost sense his hesitance, shifting your left leg so your knee was bent slightly, your dress riding up some and his hand being forced to slide up your leg an inch or two before he was able to catch the movement and pause his hand from going any further. He picked his head up to look at you, a curious look in his eyes. "Are you sure that you're okay with me going farther?" He spoke up, breaking the silence between you two though his voice was only a low whisper; there was no need to speak at a louder volume since this was only for your ears and his anyway.

"Yes, Kyoya," you said with a reassuring smile up at him. You reached up and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, gently pulling him down closer to you so that you could kiss his lips and get him focused again on the situation at hand. He sighed lightly through his nose when you kissed him, closing his eyes and allowing himself to relax a bit at your embrace and the feeling of your lips on his moving in sync with each other.

Kyoya focused on the kiss for a moment longer before changing the position of his hand once again, moving it farther up your left leg, up under the skirt of your dress until his fingertips felt the elastic band of your thin tights. He tucked his fingertips into the band and hesitantly tugged it down a little, giving you plenty of time to stop him if you didn't want him to do this. He wanted this to be fun for you too and he didn't want to do anything that you weren't okay with. He could put on the dominant act all he wanted but if you showed even the slightest sign of resistance then he would be sure to stop everything he was doing to find out what went wrong and make sure you were okay and happy.

You shifted a little when his fingers tickled up your hip and side to the top of your tights. But you didn't stop him or resist and he took that as a good sign, shifting his knees to put all his weight on them so he could get his other hand involved in his action of taking off your tights. He made sure to leave your panties alone as he pulled down the thin white tights, peeling them down your legs as he sat up away from the kiss you two had been sharing. He paused when your tights were down around your ankles to get a better look at you. He'd only taken off an under layer but to him, this was a big thing.

A Princess at Ouran (Kyoya X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now