~~Not So Cold?~~

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After the encounter with the twins, you entered the club room just as you'd been told to. Haruhi was just walking out when you entered and you waved a little to see her off before walking over to where Kyoya sat on one of the red velvet couches writing in his black notebook and sipping some coffee. He only looked up from his notebook when you sat down on the couch across from him with a heavy sigh. "(y/n)? To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here after club hours?" he asked with a slight smirk, just teasing but you didn't respond other than a small hum, lost in your own thoughts as you stared at your scraped up hands.

Kyoya noticed you staring at your hands and didn't think too much of it until he spotted the small bit of dried blood on them and what looked like scrape marks too. He closed his notebook and set it on the table, getting up and walking around to sit next to you, reaching over and taking hold of your wrist though his grip was much more gentle than Hikaru's had been before. "What happened?" He asked simply, voice calm and cool as he inspected your scraped up hands. The contact and his voice pulled you back to reality and you looked up and over at Kyoya. You couldn't really see his eyes behind his glasses but oddly enough, his gaze seemed worried about you. Whether it was or wasn't really didn't matter much to you though, just the fact it felt like he cared. You had started to think of him as a friend though you were unsure if he thought the same of you.

"I tripped and fell outside..." you said in a quiet voice, finding it very difficult to hold back the tears threatening to bubble up and spill out. You'd never experienced people being so nasty towards you before and it hurt. If it had just been words, you probably would have just brushed it off as people being jealous of your life as a royal. But because it was a physical attack, it somehow hurt more emotionally. You didn't know what you'd done to deserve being tripped; you didn't even know the girls who had done it. It just didn't make sense to you and without even realizing it, a couple of silent tears slid from the corners of your eyes and made little, wet trails down your cheeks. Kyoya was at a loss, seeing you begin to cry. He saw Tamaki cry all the time but for some reason, when it was a girl in front of him, crying, he was just frozen with no idea how to deal with it. But he wanted to help if he could...

"(y/n)... are you alright?" the words came out a bit awkward, clearly not what he had intended to say but said nonetheless. You brought your free hand up to wipe at your eyes and sniffled, shaking your head before turning to look at your lap again. "What did I do to get tripped by those girls?" you spoke softly, sadness evident in your voice though you weren't really speaking to Kyoya, it was more mumbling to yourself. Kyoya's fixed his glasses with a hint of annoyance though none of it was directed at you. "Girls? What girls? She was tripped? No, Kyoya, focus. Shes hurt, you need to take care of her scrapes first and ask questions later."  he thought to himself and let go of your hand to get up. He left you alone for a minute or two as he went to grab a first aid kit from the back room of the club room.

By the time he came back, you were crying for real, tiny sniffles and shaky breaths coming from you as you sat on the couch curled up with your knees to your chest, clearly unaware that it was a very unladylike position that showed off your plain light pink panties. Kyoya noticed and his cheeks did turn a slight shade of pink but he pushed the thought away and sat down beside you again, opening up the kit and taking out a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and some bandages perfect for covering small scrapes. He also took out a couple of cotton balls, wetting one of them with some of the alcohol before he gently reached over to take one of your hands.

You looked up at him from your hands when he took of them, sniffling as you simply watched Kyoya work at cleaning your scrapes on that hand with the cotton ball. Watching this seemed to calm you down and Kyoya was definitely thankful for that when you stopped crying and wiped your own tears with a final small sniffle. "Why are you being so kind to me? You're normally so cold..." you said, voice a tiny bit hoarse but it went away when you cleared your throat. "You're hurt. I can't just sit by and let you stay that way, princess." Kyoya said without looking up, though his voice was quieter than normal. It sounded almost... caring. "How unusual..." you thought as you watched him put a bandage over the scrapes on that hand before starting to clean up the other.

It took Kyoya all of five minutes to clean up and bandage the scrapes on your hands and knees as well. And once you were all patched up and feeling a bit better, you finally sat normally, like a proper lady. "Thank you, Kyoya. I feel a bit better now," you said and offered the boy next to you a light smile which he surprisingly returned though to a lesser degree than yours. "My pleasure, (y/n)."

As you left the club room to head to your next class, you smiled to yourself. "Maybe Kyoya Ootori isn't as cold as he lets on..." 

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