~~Complicated Feelings~~

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After spending the next week home recovering from your sickness as Kyoya had instructed you to do, you returned to school. Everything fell back into its usual routine, almost as if you'd never missed a whole week of school. It was comforting, to tell the truth, you didn't really enjoy change when you got used to things being a certain way... not that you were opposed to change in the general sense. You just didn't like when your usual routine changed.

And even the week after your return things moved along smoothly from day to day. But one thing was bothering you. Kyoya seemed to be back to his usual cold self, even towards you. You had thought that he was warming up to you after those couple incidents with him in the recent past. Those times he had shown you emotion, warm and caring, even if it hadn't been very open between you two, you had thought that something might come of it. So having Kyoya treat you like he had the first time you met kind of stung a little, it pulled at your heartstrings in a way that made you feel kind of sad.

It was hard to describe because you didn't understand what you were feeling. You thought of Kyoya as just a friend like how you thought of the twins, or even Tamaki despite the blond being annoying at times... Kyoya was just a friend to you... wasn't he? The dull sting in your heart at the way he acted towards you now argued otherwise. Did you really like the cold and aloof Ootori boy as more than a friend? You had no experience with feelings deeper than the attraction of appearances. You just hadn't been around boys your age enough to have crushes on people. You were confused by your feelings, unsure what to make of them, at least for the time being. Maybe it would be best to just sit back and see what happens? Yeah, that sounded good.

Kyoya was having a hard time understanding himself as well, but for different reasons. He definitely thought of you as a friend as he did with Tamaki, but for some reason, you gave his stomach tiny butterflies whenever you were close to him. He'd acted openly worried about you and he'd never done that with anyone else before. What about you made him act so out of character? During the week you were home recovering, Kyoya hadn't been himself. He'd been more distracted than normal and even when he had guests during club hours he seemed to space out in his own thoughts, trying to figure out the puzzle his feelings were presenting him with.

By the time you returned though, he had resolved himself to get rid of those weird feelings you gave him and so he tried to act as always did, cold and aloof. He still got little butterflies whenever you booked appointments with him during club hours but he found it easier and easier to ignore the feeling the longer he kept up his usual "cool guy" act. But even so... there was something about you that caused him to actually feel something. He couldn't quite name it, but whatever it was, the feeling was warm and he'd never experienced anything like it before. And he was still unsure if he liked how it felt or not...

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