~~Death of a King~~

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The day after that incident at the Ootori estate, arrangements were made for Kyoya to begin living with you from then on. Fuyumi and her husband made sure to pack all of Kyoya's belongings up for him and have them moved into your estate. Things moved as if at light speed from then on, nothing major happened for a while after that. You and Kyoya attended your brother's wedding in Sweden and were back at school the next week to finish classes. Finals kind of snuck up on you and before you knew it, the school year had come to a close and all the students were dismissed for their summer vacations.

You brought Kyoya back to Denmark with you for the summer and he seemed happier without the stress of his father constantly breathing down his neck about everything. He was really grateful for what you did for him, sticking up for him like that and making arrangements for him to move in with you to try and stop the unnecessary abuse. You were normally so docile and just let things play out without interfering but your actions had been brave that day. You'd taken action without having anything to push you to do it and he admired that about you. You could be independent and strong when you wanted to be and you didn't brag about your influence over things like some people he knew.

You had nothing to worry about for a while, your own wedding a couple years off, same with your coronation. It was a nice lull to just enjoy your relationship with Kyoya, your family and focus on your studies for school. Or at least, that was what you thought. But everything was about to get very jumbled and complicated very quickly.

You got the first pangs of uneasiness when you walked through the halls by yourself from your room to the dining hall for dinner one night maybe halfway through the summer. Some maid were chatting in hushed voices with one of the cooks from the kitchen just outside the dining hall main doors. When they spotted you approaching, they departed with small bows, you didn't know what they had been talking about but surely it couldn't be good. But you just passed it off as maybe they burned something in the kitchen and didn't want anyone to find out or maybe one of them stole something and were trying to chat about it. You honestly didn't know but it made you uneasy for the rest of your wait for dinner seated in your chair quietly talking with Kyoya, who sat beside you not long after you sat down, about mindless matters.

You didn't voice your concerns to him, figuring they were nothing to worry about in the long run. If those maids had stolen something or that cook had broken or burned something in the kitchen they could just easily replace whatever it was, no big deal. Sebastian remained in the kitchen to help prep plates and chat with one of the tasters that he fancied. It was nothing more than a fling of sorts between them but it was pretty obvious... at least to the rest of the kitchen staff. And they often teased the taster girl for it. Things were pretty oldfashioned here on a daily basis but it was comfortable.

When everyone was seated for dinner, two maids brought out the plates of food and passed them around letting everyone alone to have their dinner once it was fully served. As always, your father joined hands with you and your mother and began to say grace before the meal. He didn't show much emotion but he was very religious, though he usually kept quiet about it until family meal time when he insisted that everyone hold hands and say grace before eating their meals. You didn't share your father's beliefs but you went along with the practice as always, just to make him happy and be polite.

Not long after your father started eating and the rest of you were about to dig in, one of the maids in the kitchen burst into the room in a rush with Sebastian. Your butler rushed over to you and Kyoya, grabbing your hands before you could put the first bite of food in your mouth. "Don't eat anything on your plates. The food's been poisoned." The maid stammered out, wide-eyed and scared looking. She hadn't been one of the ones you saw in hushed conversation before dinner. Your mother and father dropped their forks to the table with a clatter and she was at her husband's side in an instant. "Sebastian, call an ambulance, he's eaten some of the food already," she said in a rush, worried as your father began to go a little pale. You reached over and grabbed Kyoya's hand, nervous about this. Would your father be okay?

Kyoya held you tightly to him as the ambulance drove away with your father's almost lifeless body, your mother inside with him holding his hand. The ambulance had arrived almost too late but your father was still alive for the time being. Police showed up just as the ambulance turned out of the long driveway, rushing in to go and round up all the staff to question them while leaving you and Kyoya in the sitting room to calm down. You were crying into his shoulder while he just held you in his lap on the couch, the glasses of water the police had given you remained untouched on the coffee table.

By the time you reached the hospital with Sebastian and Kyoya, you had finally stopped crying in fear and worry for your father. But the boys could tell that this calm wouldn't last long as they saw your mother walk out of the room your father was in with her head hanging low as she came over to the three of you. She didn't speak right away, just hugged you tightly, staining the thin sleeve of your dress with her tears. You stood there in shock, a silent understanding washing over the group as the Queen wept on your shoulder. You hugged her back tightly when your senses returned, beginning to cry as well. The king was gone and there was no need for it to be put into words.

Your mother seldom cried like this, you'd only seen her do so once before when Henning had been so sick he almost died. You had only been 5 at the time and the sight had scarred you because back then, your mother was your whole world. She had been your rock and to see her so broken made you scared. Now, seeing it again at this age, you felt the same way. What would happen now? Why had this even happened at all? Who was responsible? Would they come after your mother next? You? Or would they try to go after Henning? Or even Kyoya? The thought scared you. You didn't want to think that way but you just couldn't help it.

~~Time Skip~~

The next few days seemed to drag on forever as Henning and his wife arrived soon after receiving the news and the entire family was sluggish and depressed while they mourned the loss of their family member. You had always been a daddy's girl even if he had a difficult time showing his emotions. The two of you had always been close and he'd always looked out for you. He had loved his son but you were his baby girl. You had been his favorite and you were taking your father's death very hard.

You kept yourself cooped up in your room, not even seeing Sebastian or Kyoya. You didn't even answer to Henning whom you were extremely close with. You hadn't eaten in two days and you were beginning to look more pale than normal, having even sprung a mild fever that kept you laid up in bed as your mother made plans for what would happen now that the kingdom was without a king.

You only sat up in bed when your mother entered without permission, Kyoya following close behind her. "(y/n), we've agreed to move the wedding up to happen at the end of the summer break. You and Kyoya will have it here at the palace, invite whoever you want but they will need to have background checks and be given patdowns upon arrival." the Queen said in a quiet but firm tone, watching your reaction only to see you nod with a blank stare at the two of them standing in your room.

Kyoya was worried about you, he knew you hadn't eaten in a couple days and by the look of you, it was taking it's toll already. He frowned a little when you didn't seem even the slightest bit excited about the wedding being moved forward. You had been hoping for it to happen when you were on the plane ride from Japan to Denmark at the beginning of the summer. He knew this was something you had actually been wanting but he did also understand that it wasn't the way in which you had hoped it would occur.

He walked over to the bed and hesitantly sat down on the edge, taking your hand in his extremely gently, as if just touching you might break you. He stroked the back of your hand with his thumb and your eyes softened just a little, squeezing his hand lightly. "The coronation is also been moved up. You'll both have to miss the first week of school for preparations. I can't lead this country by myself but I can help guide the two of you to lead it..." Your mother's voice was softer now, words laced with sadness as she looked down at the floor before deciding to leave you two alone to allow you to get some comfort from your fiance.

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