~~Knight in Shining Armor~~

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The movie was good, a bit surprising for Kyoya to pick a romance that could almost be classified as a chick flick, but you were happy he'd tried to pick something he thought you would enjoy. And you had enjoyed it. You loved those kinds of movies and it was pretty heartwarming to know that Kyoya had been paying pretty close attention to little things like that these past couple of months. He really was a good boyfriend and everything he did made you fall for him even more. Henning could see just how in love you were with this Ootori boy. He didn't like to think of his baby sister being old enough to date but he had to face the facts; you weren't a little kid anymore.

Henning had sat a couple of rows behind you two during the movie and kept a close eye on Kyoya. That boy seemed so cold and he just wanted to make sure that he really did return your feelings and wasn't just using you because of your status or wealth. Even now, as you walked out of the theatre and back to Kyoya's limo, he just kept quiet and observed you both, though mostly Kyoya. He watched as the Ootori boy opened the back door for you and helped you into the vehicle, wrapping an arm around you as he sat down beside you. Henning didn't miss the soft, warm look that Kyoya gave you as he climbed into the car to sit on the other side of him.

Okay, he had to admit, Kyoya definitely felt something for you. He wasn't entirely sure the raven-haired boy was in love but it was something close at least and that was enough for Henning to come to a decision seemingly out of the blue. "Tomorrow is Saturday and you two don't have school, yeah?" he asked and you nodded, looking over at your brother with a tilt of your head, confused. "Good. Pack for the weekend. Both of you. Ootori, You'll meet us at the airport at 8 am sharp. Don't be late. And make sure you bring your passport, we're going to visit mom and dad."

~~Time Skip~~

Sebastian carried your luggage for you as you waited for Kyoya at the airport with Henning, still not understanding why you were all going to meet your parents back in Denmark so suddenly. Henning hadn't explained it to you, and Sebastian couldn't get any information out of him either. How could someone so loose-lipped like your older brother be so secretive like this? You just didn't understand it. You took another sip of your coffee that Sebastian had bought for you at the cafe down the street from the airport, grumpily scanning the sparse crowd for your boyfriend to show up.

When he did, Sebastian took his suitcase from him and you took Kyoya's hand in silence, still grumpy about being woken up so early to go on a long plane ride. Thanks to Henning booking the private plane, boarding went quickly and you sat next to Kyoya on a nice plush, couch-like seat. Everyone buckled up for taking off and once at cruising altitude, you unbuckled, setting your coffee in a nearby cup holder and moving to lay down on the couch, your head on your boyfriend's lap. Kyoya wasn't much of a morning person so he just sat in silence, resting on hand on his leg and the other in your hair while you went back to sleep. It didn't take Kyoya long to fall asleep either, leaving only Henning awake watching the two of you rest.

The flight was a long one and the three of you slept through most of it, though Henning only fell asleep about halfway there. It was a quiet ride and Sebastian came out from the kitchen with three cups of coffee, the heavenly smell rousing the three of you from your naps. "Thank you, Sebastian," you said, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes with a soft yawn. He handed out the coffees and sat down beside Henning, chatting with him idly as the plane finally began its descent. As the plane touched down and came to a stop, you all moved to get up and leave; a sense of dread was beginning to cloud your mind as you stepped off the plane though, worried about what was going to happen today with this surprise visit to your parents.

Henning ushered you and Kyoya into a black car that rushed you to the palace; you guys could sightsee later. Right now it was all business that needed to be taken care of. When you entered the palace, all your luggage was taken to your room, Kyoya's taken to a guest room that you requested be in the same hallway as your own room. "So, Hen, are you gonna tell us why we're here now?" You asked only to get a shake of your brother's head in response that you sighed at. He led the two of you to the throne room, stopping when he spotted just the three people he was looking for.

"Mom, Dad. So nice to see you. Look who I brought with me! Baby Sis was so excited to wake up early and visit you with me. We brought a guest too. But that isn't important." He said and then turned to Lars with a frown. "Oh, look, a wild lame-o. But it's good you're here. I've got something I want to discuss with you three and it involves (y/n)'s engagement to this bastard." Everyone was left a bit speechless at Henning's foul mouth so he proceeded to explain what he was here to discuss.

"Well, (y/n) tells me that she didn't agree to this arranged marriage to Mr. Bastard over there and of all people to force something like this on here it just had to be you, mom. I'm not allowing this. That... boy doesn't deserve to have my sister's hand in marriage, arranged or not. In fact, the engagement is officially off. You see this man right here? This is Kyoya Ootori. I did a bit of research on him last night and let me tell you, he's got way more wealth than Lars' whole family." Henning paused, and when no one spoke, he continued again. "Not only is he a better business choice, but he's actually in love with (y/n). They're already in a relationship and Kyoya actually got to know (y/n). What has bastard boy done besides be disrespectful and a money leech? Nothing, that's what." He growled, the volume of his voice growing as he ranted at his parents, trying to help his baby sister out of a sticky situation.

Henning just couldn't stand the thought of you marrying this disrespectful lame-o. He'd seen the looks you and Kyoya would give each other and there were some real feelings there. He wanted that for you. He wanted you to be happy and seeing you smile so genuinely with Kyoya on your date last night made him certain that being with Kyoya would make you happy. The large room was washed in silence once more and Henning waited for his parents to speak up.

"(y/n), is what your brother says true? Do you really love this Ootori boy? Your brother isn't just lashing out because he doesn't approve of Lars?" your father asked you, standing up and walking over. You looked off to the side shyly, avoiding eye contact with your father as you nodded. "Yes, papa. It's true." You spoke in a soft voice but made sure it was loud enough for the King to hear. "You, Kyoya was it? I've met your father before. You're inheriting the medical branch of the family company when you finish high school and college, correct? Do you have real feelings for my daughter? This isn't some scam to get more money or a better status?" He asked and Kyoya looked your father right in the eyes in silence for a moment before responding.

"Yes, I am to inherit the medical branch of my family company. No, this is not some scam to use (y/n) to better myself; I love her. I would never hurt her like that." Kyoya said, voice cool and calm and his eyes were serious and piercing as he stared at your father who smiled and let out a hearty laugh. This surprised everyone in the room since he didn't often do either of those things. The King gave Kyoya a heavy pat on the shoulder, shaking the boy enough to set his glasses askew on the bridge of his nose. He brought a hand up to fix them and looked over at you as the King walked back to his seat beside the still silent Queen.

"Alright, Henning. We'll call off the engagement to Lars on one condition... Mr. Ootori?" The king said, turning to look at you and your boyfriend. "Yes, your majesty?" Kyoya said with a polite bow, trying to give a better impression than had been given so far. "Will you agree to marry my daughter?"

The room went dead silent after that question was presented, Kyoya's cheeks a little pink as were your own. Henning looked at your boyfriend expectantly. Kyoya stayed silent for a long time before looking back up at your father. "Yes, I will." His answer surprised you and you whipped your head up to look at him, your cheeks turning a darker shade of red. You two had only been together a little more than two months and now you were going to be engaged? What on earth was happening right now? It was surprising and certainly overwhelming but you had to admit, the thought of being happy with Kyoya for the rest of your life was very appealing. You had come to the conclusion that you loved him a while ago and to hear him say such a thing directly to your father had made your heart beat faster with pure happiness that your strong feelings were returned. You'd have to remember to thank Henning for this later.

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