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You woke up in a soft bed and looked around, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with a slight yawn. Sun streamed through a crack in the curtains from your left and you smiled a little at the warm rays, shifting to get up from the bed and open the curtains to let in more light. It was blinding but it was also so beautiful to wake up to. Your smile widened a little bit and you turned back to the bed to look at it, watching a figure shift under the blankets. They uncovered their face and opened their eyes slowly, messy black hair and steel-brown eyes met yours. Kyoya Ootori. He offered a tiny smile and you walked over to his side of the bed, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "Good morning, Shadow King." You teased lightly and he scoffed, sitting up to rub the sleep from his eyes and reach over to the nightstand and grab his glasses. He put them on and fixed them, running a lazy hand through his hair as he looked up at you. "Good morning, Mrs. Shadow Queen." He teased right back and you laughed happily.

The two of you got dressed a few minutes later and headed to the dining room to get some breakfast. The air between you two was comfortable and the silence was natural. It didn't feel tense or forced. You liked things this way. Breakfast was served to you not long after you were seated and you and Kyoya ate slowly. Something suddenly felt off though. The food that normally should have tasted so delicious had no taste at all. You could feel it in your mouth as you chewed and swallowed each bite but yet, no flavors were being processed. "Mmm, Kyoya, isn't Mei the best cook?" You heard yourself say, this whole thing suddenly becoming an out of body experience as you watch yourself from the sidelines.

This had been the day after you came back from Denmark, right after the wedding and right before school started again. The realization hit you then that you were watching your own memories, some of the most recent ones. As the two of you finished breakfast the image faded and was replaced with another vivid scene between you and Kyoya. This repeated over and over again, each memory appearing was older than the previous. And each time they finished, the images would fade out in front of you. You couldn't speak, only listen and watch, your body immobile in the darkness surrounding you as the memories played out in front of you as if in a movie theater. This felt too real. Too vivid. Were these memories really fading as the images did?

Indeed they were, for the more scenes that passed, the less you remembered about Kyoya and the relationship you had with him. His name echoed in your mind as the images appeared and faded faster and faster before your eyes. You were helpless as finally the memory of when you met the raven-haired school mate appeared. It played through as if in slow motion and when it faded, your body was finally able to move in the thick darkness. You fell to your knees on nothing and opened your mouth in a scream but no sound came out. An echo sounded back to you though. "Kyoya." It said eerily, sounding just like your voice but at the same time nothing like you at all. The word bounced from one wall to the other of this invisible space filled with absolutely nothing but darkness, thick, suffocating darkness. As it grew quieter and faded, so did that finally memory. Who was that boy you had seen? Why couldn't you recall his name? The only thing you could recall of this strange boy was his silky raven colored hair and those steel-brown eyes behind thin glass lenses. You didn't know who he was, but you had a feeling he was important. But wouldn't you know who he was if he was important to you? Maybe he wasn't so important after all...

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