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You retired to your own bedroom when after dinner that night and went right to sleep because the day had just taken a lot out of you. As you slipped into a deeper sleep, rolling over onto your other side in bed, you began to dream about happy things like your date with Kyoya that morning and what had happened that evening in his bedroom. The first half of the night was full of pleasant snippets of memories in dream form but as the night dragged on, the dreams you were having began to take a darker turn...

You were walking outside a park near Ouran Academy with Kyoya right after school, holding hands with him and just idly chatting even though he was just keeping quiet and listening rather than talking himself. It was nice and relaxing but you could feel a pair of eyes on you and they felt sinister. It sent a shiver up your spine and you paused to look behind the two of you, seeing nothing. "(y/n)? Everything okay?" Kyoya asked, stopping when you did and tightening his grip on your hand. The street was fairly empty with a few people walking the other direction on the sidewalk opposite the park. He turned to follow your gaze, trying to find what it was you were looking at but he saw nothing. You nodded slowly and began to walk with your boyfriend once again.

A few minutes later you felt that same sinister gaze on your back, it felt closer this time and it made you walk a little faster out of nervousness, pulling Kyoya along with you. He was confused at first but when he looked behind him he caught a glimpse of a dark figure disappearing around the corner of a nearby building suspiciously. You two were definitely being followed and he knew it wasn't the other hosts and their spying antics like sometimes before. This was definitely some kind of sinister stalker, perhaps even an assassin or kidnapper sent to pick you off. He looked ahead again but his awareness was heightened now.

The two of you stopped inside a nearby cafe and Kyoya stood in line to get the two of you some coffee while you went off to the patron bathroom. It was soon his turn and you weren't back from using the toilet yet so he just ordered what he usually did when you two went out for coffee dates. He didn't notice the same figure from before head off past him to the bathroom. You had just walked out and suddenly were grabbed with a cloth being pressed against your mouth and nose, quickly putting you out cold. Your kidnapper left with you out the back door and a patient Kyoya was left waiting at a table in the corner but you never came back.

When you came to what seemed like a split second later, you were tied to a chair in an empty rundown wood cabin. You looked around you wildly, trying to figure out where you were but you'd never seen this place before and tears welled up at the corners of your eyes at the realization that you'd been kidnapped, scared that you wouldn't be found and that whoever your kidnapped was might abuse you in some way.

Your fear came true an hour later as a man in a black ski mask entered the room with a knife in one hand and a leather whip in the other. He set the weapons down and walked over to you, an unseen smirk on his lips as he untied you from the chair only to force you to the ground on your knees and bind your hands and feet together with the same rope he'd just untied. You felt a harsh kick land on the side of your ribs, knocking the breath out of you, making you cough a little to try and regain the air you'd lost so suddenly.

He walked back over to his whip and picked it up, striding over to where you lay on your side uncomfortably curled up. This evil smirk didn't go unnoticed this time as he began to whip your back harshly. The feeling of it burned and you felt your back become wet with blood as you were beat senseless.

The feeling of pain as a dream knife was plunged deep into your side was enough to wake you up, immediately sitting up as your eyes snapped open, heart racing like it might beat out of your chest. With wide eyes, you practically jumped out of bed and fled your room, already crying but you didn't realize it yet, too scared to feel the wetness on your cheeks. You ran straight to Kyoya's guest room and opened the door without knocking, closing it behind you and the next moment you were climbing into bed next to Kyoya, shaking his shoulder a bit rougher than intended but you needed him to wake up.

The man groaned in annoyance and opened his eyes, glancing first at his clock beside the bed. Two in the morning, what the actual fuck. He then looked up at the person who had woken him with a glare, but it was quickly replaced with wide worried eyes as he saw tears in your eyes. He sat up and wrapped his arms firmly around you, a hand resting on your head and petting your sweaty hair while his other hand rubbed big, slow circles on your back. He could feel you shaking and sighed softly before speaking up in a concerned whisper. He hated that you'd woken him up in the middle of the night but because it was you, he couldn't stay grumpy.

"(y/n)... what happened? Why are you crying?" You shook your head with a little whimper and continued to cry into his chest while he held you firmly against him. After a few minutes when your heart rate finally fell to a more normal speed, you sniffled and began to recount your dream to him in a hushed voice. It had felt so real and been so scary. You hadn't had a dream ad bad or vivid as that one in a long time. Last time it had happened, you had gotten comfort in the same manner from Henning. Kyoya shushed you, not having meant for you to relive the nightmare that you'd just experienced. And he held you close to himself until he felt your breathing slow to signal you'd tuckered yourself out and fallen back to sleep in his arms.

The boy laid down with you in his bed, covering the both of you with a nice fluffy blanket and he slowly fell back to sleep with you. It felt nice to have you by his side and he refused to let go of you even in his sleep; he was worried you might have another nightmare if he let go and he didn't want that...

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