Yellow Coat

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I don't see her at first

I'm too caught up in
The blurriness of the rain,

Sweeping down
My figure.
Sliding off my skin as if wondering
Why I'm out here, trying not to
Touch me and working hard to keep me


It doesn't work.
My eyes are hit with drops of rain
Causing me to flinch

Each time.

My heart beats with every hit.
I look in front of me,
Waiting for the light to signal for me to cross.

I watch the cars.
Their warm passengers sparing me no glance,
But they have my full attention.

I turn to look at the tall buildings
That litter the downtown area only five
Minutes away,
I take a second to wonder if there are people
Running in the rain, waiting in the rain
Just like I am.

I wonder if they're like all the others around me,
Prepared with their decorated umbrellas and rain coats
Leaving me wondering if I somehow didn't get the memo to ask the rain if she was having a bad day today.

Before I know it she comes to stand next to me
Her presence stronger than even the thunderous clouds,
Her soaking face instantly captures my attention, the lack of a hood
On her designer coat seeming to be of no help.

I watch her with unwavering eyes as she stands next to me in the rain,
Her hair matted down and her makeup and mascara running,
Yet she pays no mind to it.
She stares straight ahead, as if the sun has been out the entire day.

She's unbothered and it entrances me.
The signal changes, and she walks.

Her heels don't slow her down,
But instead speed her up.
Each step rumbling and pausing the earth,
The puddles of water flooding the floor
Rippling amongst her presence.

I've fallen behind,
The wind of the storm cascades around

Pushing me back.
My hood falls and

My hair becomes open to the assault
Of the rains' tears,
I don't even try to lift it back up over my head.

My fingers itch against the music
That plays in my ears
A sweet melody plays from a playlist I made

For the sky when she wants to
Drown in her sorrows.

To accompany her tears.

The girl is way ahead of me now,
I barely see her through the sheets of rain
That cut through my vision of her,
I don't need to see her though.

I can feel her weaving through the storm
In hushed winds of whispers,
I look around me,
Smiling as the wind causes the rain to fall down on me harder,
Loving the absence of air as I inhale,
Seeming to only find the rainwater filling my lungs.

I breathe in the sweet smell of rain,
The feeling of despair and loneliness
Cocooning me into a feeling of unlikely companionship.

I look for the yellow coat,
The sound of her echoing heels,
Only to hear the sound of thunder and more tears.

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