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Perhaps loneliness is what you deserve. I mean, were we destined to be with people the rest of our lives? I do not know. Loneliness can be a peculiar feeling. At times, we as humans welcome the loneliness. We crave it. But we only want to be lonely when we choose, but my god does life have a cruel way of shoving loneliness in your face. It shuts you away from the rest of the world, when people want to open your doors you force them closed, even if you don't want to. We welcome loneliness when we've been around people too long. When we want to claim our thoughts and feel the wind nip and bite our skin as we sit outside, marveling at how beautiful it feels to be all alone. To feel lonely. That can last for a good five minutes. Soon we crave attention again. Soon we want people to pay attention to us. To love us. To never let us feel alone. What a marvelous feeling loneliness can be. We suffer and cry over loneliness. We want to ask, to plead, to beg for someone, anyone to help us feel less lonely. But life has a cruel way of making us wait for the day we feel less lonely. But how do we escape this dreaded feeling of loneliness? We don't. We can't. Because maybe, just maybe, life has a cruel and torturous way of showing us that perhaps, just perhaps, loneliness is what we deserve.

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