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Is it possible to be okay
but not okay
all at the same time?

I'm asking
because I want an answer.

I want someone to tell me,

to guide me.
I want someone to let me know that
this feeling and this pit
of loneliness and desperation I feel

in my lungs and heart
has not only ever been felt by me.

I feel like I can't say anything.
If I say something,
people will think that I am just


for attention.
I'm not. I'm really not.

I promise I'm okay.
I was doing okay,
I really was.

I was doing fine,
but then this clawing at my chest started again.

I tried
ignore it.
But I could only ignore

the ripping

and the blood for so long
before I finally looked down
at my hands that were stained red

I can't tell you.
I can't.

I could if I would but I can't.
You do not know me in this way,

and I know that
that is how

it is meant
We are nothing.

I am nothing to you.
But I'm so desperate to be something.
I do not want to go back to my old ways.

I can't.
I know I can't.

do I disappear again?
Do I make myself so unknown to the world
so then
I would feel unknown to you
as if it were something normal?

I don't know. I'm so confused.

please tell me what to do.

I am not okay.
Please help me feel okay.

A Book of Words That Never Seem To Be EnoughWhere stories live. Discover now