Last Breath

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So this is what all the fuss over dying was about. Finally, I felt it.

How wonderful was this feeling?!

The cab I had hopped into was musty and smelled like death, I finally understood that no person alive could say that he or she had smelled death, not like I had.


Ironically, this was when I felt the most alive, hitching a ride on the passenger seat while death rolled down the windows and let the hymns of those already gone sing me my chorus.

It was the ending that no other would ever dream of.

I turned to death who's long nails clawed at the bright pink steering wheel, smiling maniacally as if I was in for a treat.

I loved this, this buzz and mixture pouring through my veins, humming and making my body feel electrified, alive. I never wanted this to end.

I had expected a heavenly figure such as God to visit me now, awaiting my arrival. I got nothing. Maybe no one was expecting me.

My heart was calm while my fingertips filled with light. My eyes were warm, the sun igniting them like the blacktop of the park I used to visit.

I smiled and let my hand weave its way through the forceful wind. I felt everything good in the world, one last time. Nothing bad, there were no shadows. I only felt light.

Powerful and beautiful. I should have died a long time ago so I could have felt this.

The winds became stronger and I could feel them pulling at my limbs, begging me to relax and get pulled into the current.

In an instant I felt my old life dissolving like the sugar of a steaming cup of coffee and leaving no bitter taste in my mouth. I watched as the scenery continuously changed from nights of falling stars, to sunsets from a park swing.

Each only a second but feeling like a lifetime.

I watched as I gave my last breath to the vastness of the ocean, reflecting the blue sun and letting it graze my entire body and soul.

This last breath, my last breath, for me. To my old life. To my new eternity.

Not for the family that was sitting next to me as I finally grew cold and blue.

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