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We all want to find beauty in something. We want to see beauty in ourselves, in others, or even just people in general. We crave to have something good and beautiful happen in our lives. We watch movies and read books where we find certain characters beautiful. Or we find the storyline beautifully written. We want to find beauty. The thing with beauty though is that we just expect it to be there. We expect others to find it beautiful just like we do. We as humans want to be known for our beauty. It's imprinted into the way we think or the things we do. We want to be beautiful. We want someone to come along and find us beautiful, and not only in our appearances. Beauty is something we crave and strive for but sometimes we make it seem as if it's incredibly difficult to reach it, when it's really not. We think that beauty is something that we don't deserve or something so higher up that maybe we're not meant to have it. But that's not the case. It all depends on how you see beauty. It's your choice whether you think you deserve it or not. It's your choice if you choose to look at the world around you and see beauty in it. Everything is your choice. But beauty is something we all deserve.

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