Finding My Moment

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how can I tell you in words
that I might be

in love with you.

how can I draw
my heart
in your hands

without fumbling my pen
erasing and writing erasing and writing

again and again and again and again

until your hand is a smudged mess.
I can't read someone else's words
to you. I can't let their love

dismantle and recreate mine
into something so perfect

that it couldn't possibly be mine.

How can I whisper these words
without being loud,
I only want silence

yet what if that silence is too quiet?

how can I find the perfect moment
to tell you I love you,

how could I possibly find the moment
that when I tell you

I Love You,

you'll only look at me, staring into my eyes,
smile and say

I Love You Too.

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