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"There were magnets in my bones

for that iron in her blood.


"Hello. I am Elias." I introduced myself after strumming my guitar, something I was all but used to but yet needed the required sound check.

The arena was relatively empty, most superstars were still in gym, simply exploring or sleeping in. I liked being here earlier to avoid the sea of superstars lurking around the ring or in the seats reserved for fans as they often did. They watched you closely and it was something I disliked, yes I had a spotlight shone on me each week but it helped me to block everyone out.

I got lost in playing my guitar to make sure everything functioned well until I heard faint clapping breaking through my concentration. I was ready to glare at whoever decided to mock me when I saw the one and only Alexa Bliss making her way down the ramp as she finished off her applause.

I fought a smile as she was not in full blown Alexa Bliss attire but basically in sweats, it didn't take away her demeanour though because she didn't seem to care. I hadn't spoken to her since last week and I wasn't bothered by it as I knew if she didn't find herself in my path she was stuck to her friends side. And when she was I liked the fact that I seemed to fade into the background..

"So are you going to fly in too?" I heard Finn who was seated at the end of the three-seater with a random old guy set between us. He was currently taking a call which I wished he would lower his voice to as I was just about to try and get some sleep.

"I'm sure Lexi will appreciate you tagging along."

My eyes briefly focused on him before I glanced out of the window again.

"It is her birthday and all, so maybe that would be a good idea. I'll text you once I land."

I debated questioning if it were Lexi as in Alexis but chose to head to the bathroom to stop myself. We would be in Florida for the next live event and whilst that was only for Friday I didn't really have anywhere else to be. So being on a flight and flying in when people wouldn't be expecting the wrestlers so soon seemed best.

As I made my way back to my seat I frowned as I saw Alexa in one of the seats upfront. She didn't see me as she was sleeping, holding a small pillow to her chest as she was crawled into her seat. It was a familiar sight from when she had sat beside me.

I shook my head and took my seat, if by chance I would bump into her once the flight was over I was sure she would let me know her plans.

"You're friends with Alexa right?"

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