★F O R T Y★

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"Lust will feed you well
while it has you wrapped in its arms
but leave you starved and empty
in its exit"
Elle Poetry


"Rise and shine, people of the Beast lair!" I screamed while Brock chuckled behind me as we had just gotten back from gym

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"Rise and shine, people of the Beast lair!" I screamed while Brock chuckled behind me as we had just gotten back from gym. While Kenzie and I had wanted to just hang out and explore I felt like being home for a bit. With me returning on Monday I knew it would mean less home, more travel.

"If my wife isn't awake yet I'm going to kill you, she doesn't do well with being screamed awake" He spoke and I couldn't believe that was the same guy who had just kicked my arse in the gym.

"Oh yes, she rather enjoys being woken up by your beastly dick inside her" I smiled as I moved up the staircase while he headed beneath it to probably fuck his wife in the shower.

"Honestly. Every fucking time I need to get unnecessary images" I heard Seth groan and saw him drinking coffee.

"What are you doing here?" I frowned as I hadn't been expecting anyone as I was about to prepare a delightful breakfast for my couple.

"Well I was going to spend some time with my mom but I'm pretty clued up with her life. My Saraya on the other hand..." He narrowed his eyes while I set the basket on the counter, filled with eggs Brock and I had grabbed before we entered.

"Oh so you disappeared instead of congratulating me so you could interrogate me once again. And in my own home? Not very nice of you, Rollins." I tutted, I was in a good mood and knew an argument could occur but I was hoping my cheerful mood would prevent it.

"You're dating Finn Balor? Don't you think I needed to know that information?" He narrowed his eyes.

"After you threw such a bitch fit when you thought I was with Jeff?" I shook my head as I wasn't going to have a repeat of him and Brock.

"Clearly I was on the wrong track which I seem to be a lot these days considering I thought Finn was with Alexa." He rolled his eyes and set his cup in the sink.

"Seriously?" I giggled as he was clearly obsessed with everyone else around him, I think he had been single for far too long.

"You guys spent her birthday together." He pointed out noticing how amused I was by his assumption.

"My boyfriend and I spent her birthday with her and Elias. They're going to be dating soon in case you want a list of all couples on the roster since you're so obsessed with whose with who" I rolled my eyes, I appreciated the caring dynamic between us but sometimes Seth could just be a pain.

"Her and Elias are not together." Was what he chose to focus on instead of my annoyance.

"You didn't even know I was with Finn. And why do you even care? Do you like Lexi now too?" I frowned.

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