★S I X T E E N★

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"We are the best second chance
that never happened."


"Now that's some good coffee" I groaned before taking another sip which led to Antonio laughing before doing the same

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"Now that's some good coffee" I groaned before taking another sip which led to Antonio laughing before doing the same.

We were currently seated in a cafe close to the arena where we would be performing for a live event later tonight. By we, I meant one of my close friends Antonio Cesaro and the resident hugger Bayley.

"You guys are way too obsessed with coffee for my life" Bayley giggled as we might have dragged her from the gym to come check out the particular spot.

"Come on, you have to admit its good." I nudged her and she shrugged.

"I'm not such a coffee wizard. You should actually bring Alexa" 

I frowned as I expected her to say Sasha as since she had gotten to the roster I had only seen her by Sasha's side due to them being best friends. "I didn't know you two hang out."

"Well we don't. I mean we did for a bit before we got moved to the main roster." She shrugged with a small smile before sipping on her coffee.

"You mean before you joined Sasha?" I raised my eyebrow before doing the same.

She rolled her eyes and I did mine as well, "women"

"That why you are still single?" Antonio questioned and I narrowed my eyes at him as he knew as well as Jon that I hated that question.

My answer was always the same, I was focused solely on my career. Yes it had been about a year since I found out about Zahra's infidelity but I definitely wasn't lonely. Getting back to where I was had taken ton of work and served as the best distraction it could.

"Pretty much" I chuckled before picking up my coffee and they followed as we had to get to the arena.

"I'm just saying you better start getting someone because the longer you wait the more of the eligible women are going to be off the market" Bayley shrugged hopping into the passenger seat.

"Now see that's the problem. You went and got yourself engaged just when I was about to confess my undying love for you Bay." I mused as I got into the back.

"Haha, you are sooooo funny"

"I'm just saying I recall having a pact with a certain someone if we were still single at 40" I teased.

"Well I had that pact with Fergal as well so you guys can go cry in the training room"

"Yes I will definitely call him up so we can bond over this betrayal" I scoffed before chuckling as she laughed out.

"Did you guys really have a pact?" Antonio questioned and we shared a glance.

"Sure" Bayley rolled her eyes. "We both know if anyone had that pact it would be Sasha."

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