Empty Bathtub:
Cold white ceramic
Moulded to fit the cracks of ceramic hearts
Yellow tile stained on a backdrop of red
Or maybe that's black
Peculiar how the water rises and falls
Lost to the drain
Rusted pipes leading way down where
I mingle with the rats
Darker shallows lead to darker cuts
Grime down here
Dredging up slime, slipping from my throat
Spilling in white ceramic, through rusted pipes
It all began here
And here it will end
Bathroom my old friend.
Shower Curtain Breeze:
Sway with me
Shower curtain caught in a breeze
Mould tipping the edges of your crease
Stitches coming apart at the seams
What kind of shower curtain are you
Falling apart in my hands
What kind of woman am I
Pale and white, naked in front of a mirror
No light
Better to look at in the dark of night
Shower curtain be my witness
Hands unclean
Sway with me
Hold me up by the railings
Because my shaking knees
Topple beneath me.
1. An Implication (Poetry)
PuisiPoetry for humanity. A collection of thoughts. An array of poetry displayed in raw light. "For what it's worth, not even words can explain the complications in ones head." ~J.K.M.