baby daughter | ez reyes

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annon: Can I request an imagine with ez where the reader and ez are taking turns taking of their new baby girl
a/n: I sort of went overboard with this, oops

you had given birth 3 months ago to a beautiful baby girl, Maria. You and Ez had been together for 4 years and the topic of babies never came up but when you told him you were pregnant, he was over the moon excited to become a dad.

In these 3 months both of your lives revolved around your family. Bishop was lenient with Ez about when he'd be needed at the club. That's why Ez would always be home for when you would put little Maria to sleep.

Maria cries about 3 times each night, sometimes just 2. Ez is always the first one out of the both you to get out of the bed the second he hears her cries through the baby monitor. He sometimes won't go to sleep until maria and you are both asleep, wanting to make sure nothing happens.

It was currently 8:30pm and you were in the kitchen cleaning up while Ez was already in the nursery. After cleaning up, you go to the nursery and see Ez sitting down on the rocking chair and Maria was laying on his chest.

He was lightly rocking back and forth on the chair as he was holding her to his chest. Maria's little eyes were already closed, but Ez wanted to keep her in his arms for as long as he could. When Ez first held Maria, he was terrified his big muscle arms would crush the small baby but now, he can't let her go.

he notices you standing by the door and smiles at you while he stands up with Maria. "i got her to sleep" he whispers as he goes to put her in her crib. you stand by his side as he leans over the crib to kiss her cheek as you do the same afterwards.

you both walk out of the nursery and go across the hall to your bedroom. You go to sit down on the bed put Ez pulls you to his chest, "you know, we haven't had alone time in a while" he says as he starts kissing your neck.

You let him lead you to the bed and he lays you down. "te amo" (i love you) he says against your lips.

"y yo te amo a ti" (and i love you) you say as you crash your lips onto his.
you both fall asleep afterwards in each other's arms, your head on his chest. You hear Maria crying over the baby monitor and you feel Ez start getting up and puts shorts on. You start waking up before you hear, "it's okay mi amor I got her"

you can hear Ez talking to Maria over the monitor and you go back to sleep. A few minutes later you feel Ez getting back in bed and you immediately go back to his side.

It feels like only a few minutes go by before Maria starts crying again. this time, you get up before Ez does and you put some clothes on. Ez wakes up and you kiss him on the cheek before you make your way to the nursery.

You pick up Maria and start putting her back to sleep. you feel ez come up behind you as you start singing a song in spanish your mom would always sing to you.

you kiss her forehead and put her down on the crib. you turn around and see ez standing against the wall grinning at you. You go up to him, take his hand and take him back to the bedroom.

You both get back into bed and this time he rests his head below your breast and wraps his arms around your waist as one of your hands plays with his hair and the other runs up and down his back.

"I don't know how I got so lucky. With you, with Maria, our family" he says, looking up at you. You smile at him and before you can respond he leans up and kisses you on the lips.

you both fall asleep a few minutes later, snuggled up against each other with your arms wrapped around each other.

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