secretary patch | angel reyes

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annon: Can I asks for when Angel is getting his new patch sewn on?
a/n: i love this idea so much
warnings: this turned a little nsfw
you were getting things ready for the party when the guys got out from templo. angel comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.

"i got promoted to secretary" he says, excited

you turn around in his arms and wrap your arms around his neck, "that's great babe congratulations!" you say as you peck his lips.

"can you sew it on?" he asks with a smile

"i would be honored to" you say with a laugh.

he leads you back inside and into his dorm. he hands you the needle and yarn and he sits on the edge of the bed.

you stand in front of him and he pulls you to straddle his lap. he wraps his arms around your waist, resting his hands on you ass.

you begin sewing on the patch, focusing on not prickling yourself. angel leans forward a little and his lips go to your cheek then trail down to your neck.

"you're distracting me" you say as you feel yourself blush

"i can't help myself" he says against your neck.

his lips go back to your neck, "fuck, angel" you moan as he starts sucking on the sweet spot on your neck and squeezes your ass. you stop sewing and put one hand on his chest.

"everything okay babe" he asks smugly

"yeah everything is just great" you say as you go back to work and rush to finish since you know he's not gonna stop teasing you.

"hm okay. if you say so" he says as his lips go back to your neck and this time he lightly spanks you.

you let out a yelp but continue to work. when you finish, he takes the needle and yarn and puts it on the table.

he smashes his lips to yours, his hands on your hips and he starts moving you to rub against him. he bites your lip and your hands tug on the hair at the nape of his neck and you pull him closer to you.

you both break away to catch your breath. you lean your forehead against his, "i'm really proud of you"

"that means a lot to me, hearing you say that" he smiles and then he cups your face and kisses you hard on the lips as he lays down with you on top of him.

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