nsfw alphabet* | bishop losa

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annon: Can you do a NSFW alphabet for Bishop? If you have time 😊
a/n: sorry it took a while
a= aftercare (what they're like after sex)
he takes care of you. whether it be a bath, a washcloth to clean you up, or even bring you something to drink/eat
most of the time all you want is to cuddle, which he is more than happy to do. he loves when you curl into his chest and he gets to runs his fingers up and down your back

b= body part (their favorite body part of theirs, and also their partner's)
he loves your waist, his loves wrapping his arms around you when he kisses you and makes love to you while you're riding him
you love his fingers, (have y'all seen them?!). you love how he'll caress your body but can also when he wraps them around your breasts or throat

c= cum (anything to do with cum basically)
if bishop and his old lady are in the stage where they want kids, it'll definitely be inside you
otherwise it depends on the position; if it's missionary, he'll come on your stomach. if it's from behind, he'll come on your backside

d= dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
when you visit him at the clubhouse, he loves taking you to his dorm and having his way with you ;)

e= experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
he's very experienced, especially since he spends his time at vicky's. a lot. he was a one-night stand type of guy but it changed once he started officially dating you.
he'll use his experience to guide him, but he still like to discover new ways to please you

f= favorite position
missionary, nothing too extreme. he likes missionary when he can take his time with you and he can see the expressions on your face. but if he's angry he'll take you from behind, usually with your front up against the wall

g= goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
if he's with you after a rough run or if he's stressed, bishop is definitely serious
if you had sex after a day of just spending time together or a date night, he's more laid back and likes to make you laugh so he can see you smile

h= hair (how well groomed are they)
he's trimmed, not bald but not too much either, a happy medium. after years of shaving down there, he got tired of it and you never complained about it

i= intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
one of his favorite things is taking his time with you. it'll be intense, he'll looking into your eyes, slow down on his thrusting, and say "i love you querida" and he'll crash his lips onto yours as he picks up the pace

j= jack off (masturbation)
he doesn't really see the need to
when he's on long runs, he'll let it build up because then it'll be even better when you two are finally together again

k= kink (one or more of their kinks)
definitely a daddy kink. when you first said it, it was a spur of the moment thing and when he stopped thrusting you felt embarrassed until he growled in your ear "call me that again sweetheart" and when you did he started thrusting into you harder than he was before

l= location (favorite places to do the do)
he likes privacy, so it's usually in a room where there's a door with a lock. like his dorm
definitely anywhere in your shared house, the sofa, the bed, the kitchen counter, etc

m= motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you being involved with the club (like with paperwork and files) or taking care of the members if they get hurt (like shot)
he loves knowing you want to be apart of it because it means you accept him. and him being in the club is a big part of who he is

n= NO (something they wouldn't do, turn-offs)
anything that can physically, mentally, or emotionally hurt you

o= oral (preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc)
he loves giving rather than receiving, but he'll never turn it down if you want to please him
oh boy the things this man can do with his tongue
when he's going down on you, you'll be laying on your back and your hands will go to his hair as his tongue goes deeper in you. his hands will be wrapped around your thighs as he brings you closer

p= pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he can be slow and passionate when he wants to make love to you. towards the end though he'll speed up and go harder
if he's angry or frustrated, he'll be rougher than usual but will always make sure you're comfortable with it

q= quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
he loves quickies because it's sort of like a preview of what's to come later in the night ;)
he would rather take his time with you, especially before he goes on a run. but sometimes you both will just feel the sexual tension and bam

r= risk ( are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
he's not usually the one who initiates experimenting, but if you want to he'll definitely do it
does choking count as taking risks? if so he's done that

s= stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last, etc)
he can last up to 2 rounds back to back
by then end of the night, you're the one on top

t= toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he'd rather use his fingers as foreplay
he found your stash and you explained you used them on yourself when he's gone for a while.
if he walks in on you during it, he'll watch and let you finish and then he'll take care of you properly

u= unfair (how much do they like to tease)
he loves teasing you, especially if you're in public
he'll finger you, but won't let you come until later that night

v= volume (how loud they are, what sound they make)
he's learning to be more vocal in bed because he knows you like it, so if it feel good to him he's not gonna hold in his groans and growls
you love when he puts his mouth on your neck and in between kisses he'll growl

w= wildcard (random h/c for the character of choice)
dirty talk; it started after you called him daddy for the first time
"you like that preciosa"

x= x-ray (lets see what's going on in those pants, pictures, or words)
he may not be long but he's not short in that department either, it's a happy medium
but he makes up for it in thickness

y= yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
his drive calmed down once he got in his 40's, but he can never get enough of you
when he tired he'll eat you out instead

z= zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
he wants to take care of you afterwards
after cleaning you up and while cuddling in bed he'll wait for you to fall asleep first. this way he can go to sleep knowing you're okay

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