new born | coco cruz

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annon: Can I request a imagine with Coco? Maybe where he is fresh out of prison and has a new born daughter and has to watch her for a day? Btw love your writing😊♥️
a/n: thanks that means a lot . b/n= baby's name
i hope this is okay
coco had been in prison for about a year. you and him had been together for about 3 years before you got pregnant. you found out you were pregnant about one month after he'd been put in jail and of course you went and told him. he was angry, not at the fact that you were pregnant but that he wouldn't be there for you. this just motivated him to be good in jail, hoping to get out early for good behavior. you had your family and the club as support. the club was especially protective over you seeing as Coco couldn't be there.

Coco was actually really nervous about having a baby with you. he didn't want to screw up this relationship with his kid, but you would always reassure him that he would be a great dad.

you went into labor the day before he was to be released. you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and all your family and the club was there, the only one missing being Coco.

You were able to talk to Coco over the phone after you gave birth and he promised to be there the next day. and he was. Ez was waiting for Coco outside of the prison and he took him straight to the hospital.

your family and the club were downstairs in the dining hall, deciding to give you and Coco time alone with your newborn.

you were holding your baby when he quietly walked in. you look up with a smile, he rushes up to you and kisses you on the lips. he looks at the baby in awe, not really believing she's here already, he then kisses the baby on the forehead. the baby makes a small noise which makes you let out a small giggle.

"i can't believe i missed you going into labor, i'm so sorry" coco mutters as he sits on the bed.

"you're here now, that's all that matters. Do you want to hold her?" you ask with a smile.

"yeah, but i don't know how to hold a baby" he says sheepishly.

with a smile you say, "it's not that hard, just remember to support the head with one hand and put your other hand below the bottom. like this" you show him.

Coco puts his arms in the cradle position and you gently put the baby in his arms. Coco stares into her eyes and just whispers "wow." you look at him with a smile on your face, happy to have him back with you and now b/n.

"i have to have surgery in 2 days, something with the placenta. but b/n will be discharged that day too so you'll have to watch her that day." you tell him

"I don't know how to take care of a baby, what if i mess up?"

"don't worry, the nurse will help you and my mom said she could stay with you if you want. and I have 2 days before the surgery so I can teach you the basics" you assure him

he lets out a shaky breath, "okay, and plus it's just one day and it'll give me and the baby a chance to bond"
Coco was nervous as hell. y/n was taken to surgery a few minutes ago and he was left with b/n. in the last 2 days he learned how to change a diaper, how to feed the baby, and how to burp the baby. The nurse left him with the stuff he would need and y/n's mom had to leave but she'd be back for lunch.

everything was fine when the baby was sleeping, but when she'd wake up Coco would feel really nervous. the baby woke up crying and coco panicked. he picked up the baby and tried to quiet her down. he was swaying back and forth but she was still crying and he didn't know why. it could be time for a diaper change or maybe she's hungry.

Coco heats up a bottle and even does the finger check to see if it was too hot and he puts the bottle to the baby's mouth and she latches on and stops crying

"oh thank goodness" coco whispers, glad he figured it out.

he goes sit down on the chair and when she finishes, he burps her like y/n taught him and this time he remembers to put a cloth over his shoulder in case the baby spits up.

He gives the baby a pacifier and rocks the baby to sleep. it takes a while but coco starts humming a lullaby and she's out like a light. he could have put the baby on the crib but he wanted to hold her in his arms. when the nurse and y/n's mom came back, the baby was still asleep so they left him alone.

the baby slept for about 2 hours before she woke up crying again. He decided to check her diaper since it did feel a little heavy. he sets her down on the crib and checks her diaper. "whew. you definitely need a diaper change" he says with a laugh. after changing the diaper, Coco plays peek a boo with his daughter and then goes outside for fresh air. they go to the courtyard outside the hospital for a few minutes and then decide to go back inside.

When coco went back to the room, y/n was already in there but she was asleep and a nurse was in there.

"she just got out of surgery so the anesthesia is still in her system, she should wake up in a few minutes." the nurse inform him

"alright thanks how did it go" he asks

"she did great" the nurse replies with a smile and then she leaves.

Coco sits down on the chair by the bed and takes y/n's hand in his. "te amo, con todo mi corazón (i love you, with all my heart)" he then looks down at b/n and kisses her forehead "y también te amo a ti mi preciosa (i also love you my precious)"

Coco couldn't wait to see b/n grow up and he wasn't going to miss a second of it.

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