home | bishop losa

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Could you maybe do another Bishop one-shot please? Maybe something with him coming home after a run and her being so happy unto see him that she's starts crying? Like he surprised her by coming home early❤️❤️Thank you so much sweetheart! And your works are the best!😘😘😘💕💕
a/n: thank you !!
i'm so sorry it took forever, hope you like it.
warnings: nothing, fluff
the run was supposed to be for 3 weeks. it's been a week and a half and you were already missing him like crazy. he hasn't been able to check in which did make you anxious but you understood why he couldn't. after years of being the president's Old Lady you were used to it, but it didn't mean you didn't worry.

you were watching tv in the living room on the sofa when you hear the jingle of keys in the front door. you stand up and got the bat that was in the hallway closet. you weren't expecting anyone and bishop wasn't supposed to be home for another week and a half.

the door opens and you lift up the bat, getting ready to swing. "woah, sweetheart relax it's just me" bishop rushes.

you drop the bat in shock. tears start gathering in your eyes and you run the short distance to him and into his arms.

his arms instantly wrap around your waist and you bury your head in between his neck and shoulder. you didn't realize you were sobbing until he starts rubbing your back. "im here, shhh it's okay" he soothes

he picks you up, your legs wrap around his waist, and he sits down on the sofa with you straddling his lap. "i missed you so much" you whisper against his neck.

he pulls back so he can look at your face and he brings one hand to your cheek and the other to the bump on your stomach. "it killed me being away from you both. the guys understood and Marcus said he could take over for me." he explains

"why didn't you call?" you ask as you lean further into his touch

"wanted to surprise you" he smiles as he caresses your stomach

"i'm glad you're home" you beam as you lean your forehead against his

"you're my home" he says as his hands go around your waist and he pushes his lips against yours as your arms go around his neck, bringing him closer.

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