always | angel reyes

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annon: Hello! 🤗 can I maybe get a mayans imagine where reader grew up with Ez and always had a crush on Angel. Even now as an adult she's sort of in love with him and he just flirts with her& never takes anything too seriously. she finally realizes that there will never be much between them and gets together with a guy who slowly becomes an asshole to her & Angel takes a notice in her behavior changing and takes matters into his own hands? I know it's very specific sorry! Lol I just love me some Angel
a/n: tbh angel is one of my faves
warnings: mentions of violence and possessiveness toward reader. abusive and toxic relationship. cussing
you have known angel and Ez for as long as you've lived in Santo Padre, you became their neighbor when you moved here in middle school. Ez and you were in the same grade, but you always had a crush on angel.

over the years, you three have been there for each other. from when Marisol was murdered, to when ez was sent to prison, and now with the Mc, you were always there for them.

over the years, your crush on angel evolved into love. but he never noticed and if he did, he never said anything about it.

he'll sometimes flirt with you, but he laughs it off like it's nothing. he'll even do intimate gestures only couples do, yet he doesn't really make a move.

nothing was going to happen between you two, you just had to accept it. so to move on you went on a date with someone your friend was friends with, Isaac, and it went great. after that first date, you both went on a few more before you officially became a couple.

for the first six months, everything was great. he was supportive, loving, and caring. isaac started showing his true colors a few weeks ago.

he started raising his voice at you, practically screaming at you. it wasn't until a few days ago that he got physical when you told him you were going out with friends. he was possessive and controlling, he didn't even want you to go to work but you were able to convince him otherwise. you were only allowed to go to work and then straight home.

he didn't want you to go out with your own friends or anything, he wanted you all to himself. he even monitored your calls and texts. the only communication you had with people was at work. after the third time of trying to go out with friends, you stopped because it only ended with his fist to your face. you wanted to leave him. you needed to leave him. but you were terrified of what he'd do.

someone starts knocking at the door, "y/n open the door" it was angel. you start panicking, you can't have people over.

"please leave" you mumble, hoping he'd hear you through the door.

"angel and I are worried about you, we haven't heard from you in weeks." ez says. oh great, there were two of them.

"i'm fine. please just go" you beg.

"we just wanna see you, then we'll leave" angel bargains.

after a few minutes of thinking, you open the door a little bit, "there, you see i'm fine" you go to close the door but angel pushes his way in.

you turn your back towards them, if they see your face they'll see the bruises.

"what's been going on with you? it's like you've dropped off the earth" angel says.

you only shrug, "i don't know" you mutter

"y/n turn around" ez demands.

you shake your head. one of them, probably angel, comes up behind you and spins you around. you look at him in shock, but his gaze is focused on the bruise on your jaw. he brings his hand up and his fingers lightly touch it. you flinch backwards and he drops his hand.

"how long?" angel asks through clenched teeth as ez stands next to him.

"a few weeks" you whisper as you look down.

"is that why you haven't been talking to us?" ez asks

"he said I can't" you say

"oh fuck no. pack your stuff. ez take her to pops i'll meet you there." angel snaps and then walks out the door

"what's he gonna do?" you ask, looking at ez.

ez just gives you a knowing look.
ez helped you pack your stuff and he took you to his dad's place. all three of you were waiting in the living room, felipe had turned on the tv since the silence was killing him.

finally angel comes in through the door, with bruised knuckles. he goes straight to his old bedroom without saying a word, only nods his head at you to follow him.

"what did you do?" you ask him as you close the door and take a look at his knuckles.

"sent a message. he's not gonna lay one hand on you ever again. hell, he's not coming anywhere near you as long as i'm around." he says as he takes your hand and leads you to sit down on the bed. "why didn't you tell me?" he asks, sounding a little hurt

"i was scared. he was monitoring my calls and texts and if he found out i told you, he would do way worse than just a punch to the face" you say

"it hurts knowing you've been going through this and i hadn't noticed. if only i'd come check on you sooner this could have ended a while ago" he mutters, angry with himself.

"you've had a lot on your mind, with Ez and the club. i didn't want to be a burden" you say with a shrug.

"you could never be a burden to me. i'm in love with you for crying out loud" he says as he takes your cheek in your hand, careful of the bruise.

"you're what?" you reply in shock

"damn i've been in love with you for years now" he says

"why didn't you tell me sooner?" you ask softly

"i didn't want to ruin our friendship and make it awkward if you didn't feel the same way."

"i've been in love with you for a while now too. the only reason why i began dating isaac was because i needed to move on from you because i thought you didn't feel the same" you say with a sad smile

"we're idiots" he says with a laugh as you lean in and kiss him.

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