premature labor | angel reyes

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annon: Coco or Angel imagine where you go into premature labor 3 months early with a baby girl. And they are there with you the whole time. In the end everything turns out fine. (Really cute and fluffy)

a/n: since i already did a similar one with coco so I did this one with Angel
"babe can you make sure to get toma- ow" you yelp as you feel pain in your lower stomach and liquid run down your legs.

"holy shit!" angel exclaims, which causes the people in the supermarket to turn and stare.

he puts down the basket and rushes to you. "come on let's get you to the hospital" he says as he puts his hand on your lower back and guides you to the front of the store.

"angel i'm scared" you whimper out as you feel a contraction.

"i know mi cielo, just focus on your breathing we'll be at the hospital soon." he tries to calm you down.

"we don't have a nursery and we haven't gone to any of the parenting classes. i told you we should have done all that in the second trimester" you slap his arm but then squeeze it when another contraction hits

with a grimace he says, "i know baby i'm sorry, but i thought we'd have months left. guess she wanted to come out 3 months early " he says with a grin.

"we're not ready yet, i'm not prepared" you freak out, you figured you'd have time to mentally prepare yourself.

"hey we're going to be okay, sure we haven't gone to a class but i've read all those pregnancy/baby books so we at least have some idea of what to do. you're not alone in this corazón" he assures you as he puts his hand on your belly

"okay yeah you're right. we'll be okay. everything will be okay" you let out a breath as you arrive at the hospital
"come on babe push" Angel encourages as you squeeze his hand.

"i hate you so much angel reyes" you groan out as you push again.

"i know baby I know put she's almost out" Angel smiles

with a few more pushes, you finally hear a cry. a nurse wraps your baby in a blanket and checks her out to make sure everything is okay.

"you did it babe" angel says as he kisses your cheek. the nurse brings the baby over and into your arms.

"wow" is all you hear Angel whisper as you hold her in your arms. "she's perfect" he says and when you look up you see tears in his eyes. "i can't believe i'm a dad. we're parents" he says, awestruck

"yeah, we are" you say with a smile and shift her toward angel so can hold her. he takes her in his arms and just stares are her.

"i can't believe she's actually here" he whispers as he caresses her check with his thumb.

after a few minutes, the nurse takes the baby and puts her in the incubator and angel sits on the side of your bed.

"we haven't thought of any names. any suggestions?" you ask him

"i was hoping we could name her Marisol, after my mom" he says with a sad smile

"i was thinking the same thing, it's perfect" you smile. after a few minutes of just admiring each other you say with a giggle, "sorry i said i hated you, it was the pain talking"

with a laugh, he leans forward and cups your cheek with his hand, "it was worth it. we now have our own little family, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and her. I love you" with that he leans forward and kisses you on the lips.

you both break away after a few minutes and you scoot to the side so he can lay down next to you. he looks hesitant before you give him 'the look' and he joins you on the bed.

you curl into him as he runs his hand up and down your back." i love you too" you say as you look up at him and peck him on the lips.

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