club party | gilly lopez

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request: Gilly Lopez doesn't get enough love so I was wondering if I can request an imagine where the clubs having a party with other mc's and Gillys introducing his OL to everyone and just gushing about her bc he proposed to her like a week ago and he's excited to marry her. Just a bunch of Fluff please
a/n: gilly is so underrated
"damn that ring looks good on your finger" gilly says as he takes your hand and brings it up to your lips, trying to soothe your nerves. "why are you nervous? you've been to a bunch of club parties before"

"yeah but those were always just with your MC, this ones gonna have others, but you're right. as long as you don't abandon me like last time, i'll be fine" you relent

"hey i only left because you wanted me to get you a drink, but I admit i did get distracted by the game of pool" he admits sheepishly

with a laugh, you grab his hand and lead him outside to his bike. he helps you put on your helmet and pokes you on the nose, "you always look so adorable wearing this"

you blush and then wrap your arms around him to hold on. no matter how many times you've ridden with Gilly, it's always exhilarating
the party is in full swing when you get there. gilly helps you off the bike and he wraps an arm around your waist. gilly spots angel and coco and heads their way. ez hands you both a beer and you settle into conversation.

Other members from other MC's start to join your little group. "i'm nick and who might you be?" a young looking guy with brown hair asks as he holds out his hand.

to be polite, you take his outstretched hand. "i'm y/n, nice to meet you" you smile

"you don't look like most of the other girls here" he nods towards a group of Vicky's girls

"no she's doesn't, she's my fiancé" gilly inserts as he wraps an around your waist and brings you closer to him

the guy holds his hands up and shakes his head, "sorry dude, didn't realize she was taken" gilly nods and goes back to talking with the guys.

after a few minutes he says, "c'mon mami, let's go meet everyone else inside" as he walks with you toward the house

gilly takes you to a group sitting around the table, "hey man long time no see" a buff man with a mustache says as he stands up and he and gilly do one of those guy hugs.

"hey Carlos, good to see you again. this is my fiancé, y/n" gilly says with a big smile on his face

carlos looks over at you and holds out his hand, "nice to meet you, future mrs.lopez" he smiles cheekily

you blush and shake his hand "likewise"


"hey gilly we're about to do a competition to see who can take a shot the fastest, want in?" someone says from the bar where you were both seated

Ricardo, a member from the neighboring MC, puts down a few shots on the table, "do you want in?" he addresses you

"sure, thanks" you smile as you move one of the glasses towards you.

"i heard she's beaten all the guys from the mayans" gilly hears the guy say next to him which makes him grin.

everyone gets their shot glass ready and waits for the ez, "go!" he shouts

you take the shot and let the tequila burn down your throat and slam the shot glass back on the counter. you look up and see the people around looking at you in surprise, "damn she's fast" you hear of the girls mutter and everyone lets out a laugh

"that's my girl" gilly grins, his eyes shining with adoration and he kisses you on the cheek

"damn gilly, you got a good one here" ricardo says

"i know right, can't believe she's gonna be my wife" he beams as he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. even after being together for a few years, he can still makes you blush

"ugh take that cute shit somewhere private" angel jokes from beside you

with a laugh, gilly gets up. "dance with me outside?" he requests as he held out his hand

you take it with a grin and he leads you outside to where the music was. gilly takes you to the side,
not in the center because he wants to be a little separated from everyone else.

he wraps his arms around your waist as you arms go around his neck. he puts his forehead against yours, "i still can't believe you said yes" he marvels

"why wouldn't I? you're the man of my dreams, all I could ask for and more" you smile as you look up at him

"god, i love you so much. i can't wait until you're my wife" he gushes

"i love you too, and i can't wait until we officially become husband and wife " you giggle

he cups your face in his hands and brings his lips down to yours as he wonders how lucky he is gonna be to call you his wife.

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