more than friends | ez reyes

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requested by :Hey! Can I request an EZ imagine from Mayans MC? There is a girl, close to the MC, maybe Angel met her while EZ was inside prison, and she's like sister to Angel, and after EZ gets out, he starts catching feelings for her. And then some shit goes down, maybe i with Galindo, and EZ goes crazy if something happens to her.
warnings: cussing
you and angel met when visiting a loved one in prison. well technically you met him afterwards outside.

You were visiting your cousin and when you walked outside you started to cry. not because of anything your cousin said, but because of the situation. Angel saw you crying and recognized you from inside and you both went to a bar and he let you vent. this started being a tradition between you two and it was nice just talking to someone who knew what you were going through and it was all just platonic.

you got to meet the MC and they all loved you and treated you like family. there was just something about your presence that made everyone around you comfortable. the fact that you occasionally cook for them and are a doctor was an added bonus.

angel's brother was getting out today so you were cooking him a meal. he was in prison for years and the food there is terrible, so why not make him a home cooked meal?

angel walked in with his brother and the food was already done and set on the table. "hey y/n i want you to meet my brother Ez, Ez this is y/n." Angel introduced you two

"hey nice to meet you" you say as you stick your hand out, dang he's attractive you think to yourself

with a grin, he shakes your hand and says "you too, i've heard a lot about you"

he takes a seat as angel says to him"i got to go handle some club business, but i'll be back for you later"

with a nod, Ez begins eating and Angel kisses your cheek goodbye. you turn your attention back to Ez and his gaze was already on you. you give him a small smile as you turn around and clean up.

"so how did you and my brother meet?" Ez asks after a few minutes of silence. you sit down across from him after finishing cleaning up.

"I was visiting my cousin in jail and I was upset afterwards. angel recognized me from inside when he was visiting you and we went to a bar and just talked for a while." you told him with a smile

"so i'm assuming you know about the club?" Ez asks hesitantly

"yeah he introduced me to them when he found out I was a doctor" you say with a nod.

"it's probably not any of my business, but are you and angel a thing?" he asks, not looking at you in the eye

with a laugh you say "oh no definitely not. he's like my brother, just like the rest of the club"

"oh that's good to know" he says with a smile.

you both continue talking, getting to know each other and the next thing you knew the sun was already going down.

Angel comes back and says "damn you guys are still where i left you earlier"

"we were getting to know each other, must have lost track of time" ez chuckles while glancing at me

Angel and Ez leave after few minutes for some club stuff, leaving you alone with your thoughts about Ez
it's been a few months since you've met Ez. you and him have gotten really close, almost as close as you and angel. You and Ez hang out whenever you can and you're both always texting each other. whenever one of you is having a bad day, you knew the other would make it better. there was just something about him that made you feel like you had way more than a crush on him.

you wanted to tell him how you feel, but were worried it would ruin the friendship you had or worse, he wouldn't feel the same and it would be awkward. and the timing was never right, like right now there's issues going on with galindo

things were getting so bad that bishop wanted someone from the club to be with you at all times just in case. you were able to convince the club that you'd be fine going to the supermarket down the road, and of course you were wrong.

you were getting back into your car when you someone shoved a piece of cloth against your mouth and nose and told you to breathe. you tried to hold your breath but eventually you had to breathe and then everything goes dark
"i haven't heard from y/n. she said she'd call when she got home but I haven't heard anything" angel says to the club as he paces.

"damn it I knew i shouldn't have let her go alone" bishop mutters. "Ez, Coco, Angel go to the supermarket, see if she or her car are still there" he orders

Ez immediately spots y/n's car and notices there's blood by the drivers door.

"guys I found blood" Ez tells the guys and he clenches his jaw. Angel calls bishop, coco looks around the car for any more clues, and Ez is pissed.

"fuck why the hell was she even alone in the first place?!! damn it someone should have been with her" Ez yells as he punches the tree in front of the car and his eyes glaze over with tears, but doesn't let them fall.

"look I know you're upset, but it's obvious who took her. we just have to come up with a plan" coco says

"what if she doesn't have time?! what if she's hurt a-" angel cuts him off. "brother we'll find her okay? I know how you feel, i'm scared too"

"the difference is I don't just see her as a sister" Ez says

"holy shit boy scout has feelings for y/n" coco exclaims

"can't say i'm surprised" angel says with a sad smile. "let's go back to the club and we'll figure this shit out and get her back"
you started to wake up but started groaning when your arms started hurting. there was a cut on your forearm and your arms and legs were tied to a chair. you hear men yelling and your heart starts beating faster, but what terrifies you the most is when you hear gunshots.

you close your eyes and look down, well this is it i'm about to die you can't help but think. one of your regrets is that you never got to tell Ez how you felt about him.

the shooting stops and someone tries to get into the room you're tied up in, but they can't get it open. the person shoots at the lock your assuming and the door burst open. Ez runs in with angel right behind him.

you let out a sound of relief and a few tears slide down your face. "thank goodness you guys found me" you say as ez unties you from the chair.

he takes your arm in his and sees the cut on your forearm, "those bastards" he hisses out as he rips the lower part of his shirt and ties it around your wound.

"i was so worried I'd never see you again" he whispers as he gives you a hug and puts his head in the crook of your neck.

"me too" you mumble and pull away from him. come on just go for it you think to yourself but then he leans downs and kisses you on the lips, his hands holding on either side of your face.

"i was scared i'd never get to do show you how I feel" ez says as he pulls away with a smile.

before you could respond, Angel interrupts "oh come on guys not in front of me" he whines. with a laugh you go and hug him.

"i missed you too" you say as he wraps his arms around you. he lets you go and leaves so you and Ez can talk.

"i like you too" you say with a smile

with a laugh, he takes you in his arms again and kisses you like it's the last time he'll get to do it.

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