anxiety attack | angel reyes

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annon: Can I make a request for Angel from Mayans where he and the reader are broken up after he left her to keep her safe but she calls him in the middle of the night because she's having an anxiety attack and he goes over ? Thank you 😊

a/n: I have experienced a panic attack and everyone's reaction is different, so please don't come for me in the comments lol
with shaking hands and tears coming down your face, you click on Angel's contact and call him. You knew you shouldn't have called him, he broke up with you a few weeks ago and wanted nothing to do with you, but he was the only one who knew how to help you through it

"y/n" angel says, not in an endearing tone like it used to be but not rude either, but it was raspy like he was sleeping and that would make sense since it was midnight

"angel. i'm sorry I called but I-It's hard to brea- breath. my chest is hur- hurting and I can't affo- afford to call an ambu- ambulance and i know you don't care about me an- anymore but i didn't kn- know what else to do" you stutter out through your sobs.

"take deeps breaths okay? i'm on my way. leave the door unlocked for me" angel rushes as you hear rustling on his end

"okay" you whimper

"stay on the line with me sweetheart" angel mutters as you hear the roar of the engine

you both don't say anything, he's focused on driving and you're content with listening the whistle of the wind.

"i'm already pulling up, i'll be at your door in a few seconds" angel stammered

just like he said, a few seconds later he was coming in through your front door and locked it. He comes to the sofa where your knees are pulled up and your head is on them. you can feel yourself slowly stop shaking as Angel rubs circles on your back.

you lift up your head and see angel kneeling in front of you. he moves his hand from your back and brings it to your cheeks. he wipes the tears off your face, but they can't seem to stop sliding down your face. angel starts humming the song that always helps you calm down and after a few minutes it feels like you can finally breathe again.

he wraps his arms around you and brings you to his chest, "are you okay?" he asked.

you just nod your head, "i'm sorry for calling you" you whisper as you pull away from him. "i'm not your problem anymore" you look away from him

"hey you were never a problem for me, is that why you think we broke up?" angel asks as he puts his hand on your chin and turns your head so you can face him.

"it's not?" you ask, confused. when he broke up with you, he said he didn't love you anymore and you thought it was because he got tired of you.

"i know I said I didn't love you anymore" he mutters, "but the real reason I broke up with you was because i wanted to keep you safe. I got a note saying you'd get hurt and I figured you'd be left alone if we weren't together" he says as he caresses your cheek with his thumb.

"why didn't you tell me that?" you say as you lean your cheek closer to his hand

"I knew you wouldn't want to break up, so I had to say something that was convincing. truth is, i never stopped loving you, i don't think i ever can" he says with a sad smile.

"where do we go from here?" you ask as you pull away from him again. you didn't want to get your hopes up.

"i want to be with you, I need to be with you. these last few weeks have been miserable for me, but I'm not gonna put you in danger" he says as he scoots closer to you

"but that's my choice to make angel. I should be the one who decides" you say as you take his hand in yours.

"then what do you want to do? the choice is yours" angel says after a few minutes of thinking

"i want us to be together. i love you angel, it's worth the risk, you're worth the risk." you say with a smile.

angel leans forward and kisses you and you kiss him back. god you missed him so much.

"I love you, i'm so sorry" angel muttered against your lips and he kisses you again.

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