age | bishop losa

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annon: Can you do an imagine for Bishop Losa about an age difference between him and the reader. He's concerned about it but she convinces him it doesn't matter to her. Thanks 😊
"i wouldn't blame you if you left" bishop mutters. you two were laying down on the couch watching tv and you were laying down on his chest with his arms around you

"why would I leave?" you ask confused, lifting your head so you can look at him.

"I saw you with James last night and seeing you with someone your own age made me realize you might be happier with someone else. I just don't want you to feel like i'm holding you back" he expresses.

"first of all, James is just a friend from work. second of all, you're not holding me back from anything. being in a relationship with you isn't stopping me from doing what I want to do. and most importantly, I don't think anyone can make me happier than you do." you say as you kiss him on the lips.

"I just don't want you to have any regrets" bishop says. you sit up on his lap.

"I don't. being in this relationship with you has been one of the best decisions i've ever made and in these past 3 years, you've never given me a reason to regret it." you say

"what about our age difference? doesn't it bother you?" he tries to argue

"hell no. I didn't care about your age when I met you and I don't care now that i'm in love with you. does it bother you?" you ask him ask as you wrap your arms around his neck and his go to your waist.

"not really. it's just.." he trails off

"just what" you gently prod as you play with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"i worry sometimes. about you leaving me for someone else, someone younger. I worry you'll realize that you can do way better than me and leave" he admits

"you never have to worry about that. i'm with you for a reason and if i'm ever unhappy I'll talk with you about it, i would never just leave. and I don't want someone younger, I want you. i've told you before and i'll say it as many times as I need to for you to get it through your head that I don't care about your age." you say

"yeah but what if you don't find me attractive anymore in a few years or- " you cut him off

"I will always find you attractive. what attracts me to you is your personality. your looks are just an added bonus" you say with a grin.

after seeing that he was still hesitant, you smash your lips to his. his arms move from your waist to your ass. you reluctantly pull away from his lips and start kissing his neck. "i think you're very very sexy" you say in between kisses. "and if I have to prove it to you then so be it" you say as you continue to kiss his neck as you continue to give him compliments.

"i love you obispo" you say and then proceed to kiss him on the lips.

"i love you more" bish says as he gets up with your legs wrapped around him and leads you both to the bedroom.

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