That Unforgettable Face

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"When are you going to give our money. We worked for you. You better give it now or  I will make sure you can't stand" Jungkook screamed at the manager.

He and I have been working in this construction site for almost three months now. We came here with hopes of getting one meal and daily wages. We didn't get either. We both knew he was ripping us off. We just didn't want to make a chaos already. Jungkook and I were both hungry and tired. We needed that money to even gather some energy. We decided to ask him politely but after five days of mistreatment we decided to take things into our hands.

"Your asses haven't done anything useful. Why should I pay you?" the manager incharge replied.

It definitely wasn't going good. I can very well foresee how it was gonna end.

"You mother fu.." Jungkook gave him a punch while swearing and I couldn't be more proud of him.

Jungkook is my only best friend ever. After my great grandmother's death I didn't know what to do. She took care of me for almost 4 months since my parents demise and then she decided to leave me as well. She was too old to fight death. Since then I was known as this orphan who either begs for food or does any job to get food. For two long years I was all alone and then came Kook. He doesn't have parents either but has an elder brother who is also working all kinds of job for the sake of surviving.

I quickly got snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I notice five huge men walking towards us. They were the manager's men. It was evident that they are going to throw their fists on us and all I could think was to save Kook from them. I push him back and tried to fight these men on my own. I was able to give some real good punches to three of them until the fourth one decided to swing a wooden block to my head. A quick pain entered my body and I couldn't stand there anymore. They realised I lost my power to stand and started to beat me. Kook came out of nowhere and tried to dragged me from there. I gathered the last bit of energy in me and raised the wooden block and swung right at the manager's face and started running. We both kept running almost until we couldn't see any of those men chasing after us. Thankfully, Kook wasn't hurt much except for slight scratches. I asked him to go to his brother and assured him that I will get some first aid help. I didn't want to ruin their brotherly time. I then sat behind a bush to just rest for a while.
Times like these make me wonder the purpose of my life. I can gladly take my life this moment and there wouldn't be anything I would regret. Yet, something back in my head keeps pushing towards the next day with some hope for better life. I wish my instincts are paid well with a better future.
I slowly gather my lost energy and decided to go to our room. I live with kook and his brother but I just sleep anywhere I find fine. As I walk towards the exit, I notice two white shoes facing me. I slowly looked up and


A prince.

A Gorgeous looking guy was standing right in front of me. He looked amused. He looked too cute. He was slightly taller than me. If only I was living a better and respectable life, I would probably have had a boyfriend like him. Yes, I am gay. I figured that when I was forced to have sex for the first time. That's the story for another day. I can't relive those moments right now. I slowly tilt my face to look at his beautiful front bangs fall right above his eyes and I can't imagine having such a beautiful eyes myself. That's a prince right there standing in front of me with the most amazingly cute face ever. His amused face turned into something else. It wasn't pity. It was worry. He was worried. He was worried about my condition right now. I can handle any amount of judgemental looks, anger but not pity look or worried looks. I can't. Well, it was fun until it lasted. I walked past him with an heavy heart knowing I will never see his face again.
I suddenly hear a scream. He asked me to go to an hospital. Wow. I didn't know how to respond to that. I just waved a bye to him and walked straight to our room.

Take care, pretty guy.

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