Naughty Friend and Truth Remedy

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[three weeks later]


I guess I rushed into thinking that Tae liked Jin. There is a huge part of me that still thinks they are meant for eachother.

I am not a big sucker for one sided love stories. They are just sad. I don't want Jin to go through any of it. He has been my favourite person on earth ever since he entered my life. There is no one person who can make fun of me, irritate me, tolerate me all the time and yet love me the way while expecting nothing in return except Jin. He cares for me more than anyone else. The relationship I share with Jimin is more about love, intimacy and togetherness. What I share with Jin is comfort, acceptance and possibly the best friendship in this whole world. That's why I wanted to do something about his broken heart.

It's going to be almost a month and yet he hasn't gotten any better. I tried to cheer him up in many ways but they have all gone in vain. He and Taehyung haven't even spoken much since that incident. I planned not to pull a Jin in this matter by taking to Tae about this. Taehyung knew what he meant when he said no. There is nothing I can do to better their relationship but I can always cheer my friend.

"Hey Jin?" I called him as he was sitting in the living room staring at his mobile in his hand.


"Wanna go out for dinner or a movie? Hey, we can go to the arcade as well, I haven't been to an arcade in months."
I blabbed. I have been asking this same question almost everyday so I tried to give a better cheerful tone to it.

"Sure. We can get some dinner and then go to arcade. I am not in the mood for a movie though." he replied.

"Okay. Let it be just us then."

"No. Call Jimin and Hosoek as well. I couldn't hang out with them these past weeks. I would love to hang out with them tonight." he said. Well, that's a first. I don't remember once when he was okay with hanging out with them. He always liked our alone time. I am sure he got used to them by now but to go for dinner and arcade without cribbing about it is something unlikely of him.

I dialled Jimin to let him know about the dinner plans.

"Hey babyyy" he said as soon as he picked the phone. He calls me with multiple cheesy pet names and even though I pretend like I hate them, I love them when he says them with his cute voice.

"Heyyy..." I blushed.

"Just heyy? When are you gonna learn hotass?"

"Wow! That escalated quick."

"Well, you can't have me waiting for long."

"What will you do?"

"I will come there right now and will ride your bad manners away."

That took me by surprise. Lately, we have been quite sexual and that had only aggravated Jimin's naughty senses. I guess I woke up a craving animal.

"Don't be bad baby. You know what I can do to you." I responded with a cheesy tone.

"I love everything you do to me. That thing you do to me on my back.."

"Jimin. Stop talking or you gonna drive me insane." He sure was driving me insane.

"Am I being naughty? Will my boyfriend..." he got interrupted when Hosoek shouted "Jimin-ah"

"Grrr...this hyung always has the wrong timing" said Jimin. I love this frustrated voice of his. Everything about him gets me excited for various reasons.

"Why are you guys always together, even on Sundays?" I asked.

"What hyung?" Jimin asked completely ignoring my question. I figured that Hosoek came closer.

"Jin hyung just send a text asking if you and I want to join Yoongi and him for dinner and arcade?" he said. Damn, I forgot that Jin was still sitting in the living room.

I turned to look at Jin.

"You texted him?" I asked him.

"Well, you were busy flirting, I didn't think you will remember about the dinner." he replied with a small smirk. I was glad to see him finally get his real self back but not with me.

"You ass"

"Continue with your dirty flirting" he waved and went inside the room.

"Yoongi...???" Jimin called my name over the phone.


"We are joining you guys tonight"

"Awesome." What happened to our dirty flirting now?

After ending the call, I went back to making ourselves some decent lunch and that's when I heard someone knock our front door.

It was Namjoon. An unexpected guest indeed. Jin came out of his room still in the same awful black pyjamas.

"Jin hyung, I wanted to speak to you."
he said. I realised it was something personal and excused myself back to the kitchen.

"What is it Namjoon-ah?"

"I know what happened between you and Tae, hyung."

"Oh." Jin sighed

"I am not here to make you feel bad hyung. I wanted to inform you that Tae is hurting himself."

"Hurting ? Why?  Was he lying?" I asked curiously. I couldn't shut up.

"Yoongi!" Jin snapped at me.

"Actually he was hyung." Namjoon responded.

" I would have told you the truth on that very day but you guys appeared to be fine in our workplace. Later, both you and him became awkward towards one another and now you guys hardly even look at eachother. I just can't have him hurt anymore hyung. He is my brother too. He has been.."

"What Namjoon-ah?" I asked him. Jin appeared to be caught up in a trance. His dull eyes showed no new expressions.

"He has been through a lot hyung. I don't think I am the right person to explain what it is. If I am not wrong, he is afraid you will leave him once know his truth."

"What is the truth? You know what, I will ask him that. Are you sure he likes me too?" asked Jin.

"Hyung... he likes you more than you will ever expect." he said in an assuring tone.

I can't let Jin go through the same heart break again. I need more confirmation than the mere words.

"Namjoon-ah, are you really sure?"

"Yoongi hyung, Tae has been crying every day. He can't eat. He can't sleep. He even tried to drink so much one day to forget the reality. It made him sick that whole weekend. I know he made it awkward between them. But that's because he can't be just friends with Jin hyung though he thinks he can. He isn't that strong hyung." Namjoon said. Jin's face slowly started to brighten up.

I guess Tae is hurt bad.

"Will he open up now?"  Jin asked.

"He must hyung. We need to make him open up. He needs to let go of his past. I just hope you understand him. I will understand if you don't love him then, but don't let go of him."

"Namjoon-ah, I love him. I will love him no matter what. Nothing he says is gonna make my change my heart." Jin responded.

"I really hope so hyung. I really do." Namjoon replied.

I hope the same too.

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