Triumphant Tae - A beginning

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Four months?

It's been four months since Jin and I officially started dating. He took me out on a date on that very day of my revelation. Even though it was a very down, sloppy, making ourselves feel better kind off date, it's still was the sweetest one. Anyone who had been in his position would have asked for a day or two think over everything. Jin, on the contrary, didn't leave my side even for a second. It's as if he didn't understand the whole event at all. I still sometimes worry that my fear of any sexual intimacy is going to push him away. After all he is a man and he got needs as well. I can force my trauma on him all our lives. He had been struggling to control himself whenever we kiss or cuddle. Sometimes I feel like I wanna let myself go but again those awful memories appear making me fear everything again.

Jin and I have been cuddling in his bed for almost an hour now. Waking up to him has become the best thing in my life. I just love nuzzling to his chest. He chuckles every time I do that and it makes me very happy. I really wish I could make him even more happier.

"You are awake aren't you?"Jin asked with his lips touching my head.

"hmmhmm" I hummed still holding on to him.

"Sweet." he said as he kissed my head.

"What do you wanna do this weekend ?" he asked.


"movies ? netflix? arcade? beach?" he kept giving me options.


"You got other plans Tae? With Kook or Namjoon?"

What? No. I was planning something for him, for us.

"No. I have something planned for us."

"Wow. Really? What is it?"

"A trip to Jeju Island"

"Hey" he said as he pushed me away slowly with a smiley curious eyes.

"We are going on a trip? To Jeju?" he asked with his cute smile plastered on his face.

"Yes. I wanted to surprise you in the morning but I guess this isn't bad either." I said still not able to get used to having this awesome man so close to me.

"So it's like a romantic weekend?"


"yeaaaaaah" he smiled.

"what about the tickets ? Am sure we will get it easily. but I will pre-book it anyways. I will also check if there are any vacant hotel rooms by the sea." he  said as he looked for stretched to pick his mobile from the side table. 

"No wait. I got it all planned and ready"

"You kidding me."


"Tae.... its...I mean... you...." he hesitated. I understood what he was thinking. It's an expensive weekend plan and I don't have that money on me. Little did he knew that I have been saving up some money since I got this job with Jin.

"I got the money Jin. I have been saving up."

"Baby! You really shouldn't use your saving on these. You know I don't mind doing it. I don't mean to hurt your ego but I really don't want you to spend your savings on us. You owe Namjoon and Kook a lot. You should be spending it on them. Really I got us both."

"I know baby. I owe them. I will take care of them all day everyday. But I love you. I want to make you feel special like how you make me feel. I know I haven't been the greatest boyfriend till date. I hope this is the beginning of my triumph." I replied hoping he would agree already.

"You are the most perfect boyfriend in this world. You have given me everything sufficient. You don't need to give me expensive weekend getaways to prove your love, Tae."

"I know I am not"

"You are"

"I don't even go second base with you and you want me to think I am the best boyfriend?"

"Baby! Intimacy isn't the only part of love that matters. You, me and this moment together right now matters the most."

"You can survive without intimacy forever ?"

"If you'd stay by my side, the forever is no big deal."

I knew he is being genuine but I couldn't feel a little bit of fear inside. I really should let my old memories go. Only then I can move on and live a complete life with my man.



"Give me the details of your romantic plan....pleaseee" he said.

"Just romance." I replied with a wink which made his cheeks turn red. I am glad I got that effect on him.

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