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"Answer me. Someone answer me." Taehyung screamed. "Grandma ask them to speak. Please tell them to respond." he cried. He was hugging both their bodies to either side of him and shook them vigorously to get a response.

Taehyung's parents died in an accident. They were labour workers in a construction site. An unfortunate shatter of the construction let to their demise. After twelve hours of rigourous search, the police were able to find their bodies. There was a tiny hope that they might be alive like some of the other survivers but sadly the hope never turned to become a reality.

Taehyung, the 11 year old kid had no one but his great grandmother to take care of him. The little soul didn't know what to do. His grandmother was only able to hug him but knew that nothing will be enough to comfort him in this situation.

"I am here my baby. I am here. You have me. You have me." she repeated in the midst of her crying while hugging her great grandson to her dear life.

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