I call them Idiots

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"If only I knew what I am going to do.." Namjoon hyung murmured.

"What are you talking about?"

"You...Kook..Me..Us" he sighed.

"What about us? We are doing well now. We can afford food, shelter and are all sleeping well. What more do we need now?" I ask out of real curiosity.

Ever since we all found jobs in Jin's office, things have been good. Kook has even started studying at an evening tutorial to get a certification in the near future. I wanted to study but this may not be the right time. I need to work hard and save up for various things. I need to give so much to Namjoon hyung and Kook. They have been with me when no one had. I can't forget all their sacrifices for me. Also, I have to be a dependable person for my Jin. He is definitely the one who is financially stable in our relationship and most of our expenditures fall on his head. I dont want that to be the case even when we are 50 years old. I want to be equally supportive and extremely capable for our life together. I don't know if education is the right path for that, but sure overtime savings will do now.

"You ask a question but you don't listen to my answer?" said Namjoon hyung in a distressed tone.

I didn't realise how long I zoned out until he shook me back into the reality.

"I am sorry hyung, you were saying?"

"I feel like we should start saving up"

"Yes, we should." I agree.

"We should build a life Tae. Now that we have a job, it shouldn't stop us from planning a better life. I don't want us to ever think about starving a night or ever losing sleep because we don't have a place to lie down. You have someone in your life now. That means we have a family with added members. We need to be respected. For that, we need to work hard and live a better life."

" Hyung! Can I tell you something? I have thought all this. You are absolutely right. We have to work hard. But I request you always be calm and happy. I don't want you to stress over it. I am sure with proper planning and investments, we can manage. We can do much better. I will ask Jin, Yoongi hyung for some advice. You can ask Hoseok hyung for some advice too."

He listened to me silently.

I continued," Having said that, these thoughts must not define your present day hyung. You have been through hell, now I want you to relax a bit. Get some fresh air. Go for some blind dates. Get an hobby maybe. Aren't you into poetry. Why don't you join that poetry discussions that happens in that nearby cafe?"

He gave a fine smile. I love when he does that. His smile is contagious. Just looking at him smile will make us forget our sorrows and smile with him.

"I must join that discussion group. They seem interesting. I should ask Hoseok to join too." Both Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung are straight. But I feel like there is a strong connection between them and they don't want to name that. They call their closeness brotherhood. Kook calls it confusing. I call them idiots. Anyways let them be pretend friends as long as they both are happy and healthy.

Thank you for waiting so long for the updates. Just couple more chapters to go and we will be at the end.

Stay tuned to see where our babies grow.


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