You shouldn't have

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This is embarrassing on a very different level. Why did Kook call Jin for help? I could have stayed in jail for couple days but this is too embarrassing. He had already seen me getting beaten up, starved and now this? Can my life just end right here. Please.

"You should stop staring at your plate and start eating V" Jin said politely.
He brought us to the nearby open food joint. I really wonder why he have to be so nice all the time. I slowly looked up. He was smiling at me. It was more a like a courtesy smile. It wasn't one of his genuine smiles.

"You went through a lot of trouble today. Thanks for coming Hyung." Kook said with the food in his mouth. He is been thanking Jin the whole time and I still don't understand why he wanted Jin of all people to help me out.

"You have thanked me enough Kook. Eat well now." he replied with his smile plastered back to his face. So the courtesy smile was only directed to me.

"You shouldn't have come. You had no reason to." I said looking down at my food.

"What do you mean I had no reason?You were arrested. Kook cried. He was alone. I care about you. There were plenty of reasons."

He said he cares. Does he about me or does he care about us ? Am sure it's us.

"Thank you then. It means a lot."

" You don't have to thank me V. Just start treating me like your friend or at least a well-known acquaintance. This whole 'I know you but I don't care to speak or show any form of relation to you' sucks." he replied. This time I was more shook than embarrassed. He had a point. I have been ignoring his smiles, his looks and everything he does. I really haven't replied to even single text of his. I am just concerned that his friendly gestures will put me through a tornado of feelings. I won't be able to get emotionally attached to anyone anymore. I sometimes regret even getting closer to Kook for that matter. Jin will leave me when he knows I like him in a different way. So it's better to be this way than to be all mushy with him, isn't it ?

"Tae?" Kook kicked my leg while calling out my name in a husky mutter. I came out of my trance and decided to reply Jin.

"Kook, I want to speak alone to V. Do you mind leaving him here and heading back. I will bring him home. Is it okay?" Jin said all of a sudden and Kook obliged. He didn't even care to look at me for a second. Neither did Jin. I guess my opinion is not necessary. I guess being an asshole gets you nothing but this.

Kook finished the dinner and Jin bought couple more plates for Namjoon Hyung. Jin hasn't even met him, yet he was being considerate. Kook thanked him once again and headed back to the bus stop. I didn't gather courage to look up and face Jin.

"Are you too tired to walk?"


"Then can we go for a little walk? Please?"

There is something about his 'please'. He always press his lips into a cute 'u' and that just melts my heart every time.

"Ok Hyung." I had to tell myself that he is a hyung and I can't like him like anything but that. Or can I? I just won't tell him.

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