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Today has been a long day. I went straight to my office after meeting Jimin. I couldn't forget what Jimin said.
His fear,
his non-existing self confidence,
his insecurities,
his liking towards Yoongi.
Everything kept appearing in front of my eyes throughout the day. To top the already bursting head of mine, my manager asked me to take charge of the recruitment for the labour. I've never done it and I don't know where to start now. I decided to give myself a eve time to think better and head office the next day. I wanted to have a good peaceful dinner with Yoongi. I may not tell him about the meeting with Jimin but I can sure make it less hurting for him by providing some support.

"You are early." said Yoongi as I entered the house. He was making coffee in our kitchen. I didn't expect him to be home this early either.
"You are too." I said as I placed my bag on the sofa.
"Yeah, I didn't feel like going to my second job."
"Did something happen?"
"What?" He wasn't even looking at me.
"I don't know what you want me to say?"
"What happened ?"
"You met Jimin. That's what happened." Dammit. I asked Jimin not to tell him. I didn't realise I was biting my nails until Yoongi mentioned.
"Stop biting your nails Jin. Here, have some coffee."
I took the coffee mug from his hand. He walked towards the chair that was placed right next to the fridge. I sat on top of the table opposite to the fridge.
"I didn't mean to hurt you by meeting him." I said.
"I know."
"What did he tell you?"
"I met him while leaving the office. I figured he was crying. His eyes were puffy and red. I asked him to take care and that's when he said he met you. He asked me to not get angry with you. He also asked me to start trusting you better."
"Well, I don't know why he told you about our meeting. I asked him not to. But he wasn't wrong about you trusting me better."
"Did you realise the big hole in that two sentence? They are contradicting." He giggled sipping his coffee.
"Jimin really loves you Yoongi."
"I guess"
"He really does. His words were genuine."
"He likes his career more Jin. Let's leave this conversation."
"No. We aren't going to stop. We need to talk about it. He doesn't like his career better. He is just insecure. He feels like everyone judges him. He feels like everything will shatter if he comes out."
Yoongi was listening to me without interrupting. I continued.
"From what I heard, I understood one thing. He is dependent. He is dependent on his brother when it comes to his family stuff. He can be dependent on you but you need to make him trust you that way. You need to talk to him and understand his mind better. Any relationship begins with trust. So, before you impose your whole dating thing on him, try to understand what he is going through. Try to talk to him about his insecurities and assure him that you will stay by his side as long as you guys are together."
"Since when you give relationship advices ?"
"From today. Did you even listen to anything I said?"
"Did he say he is willing to talk to me about everything?"
"He spoke to me about it. Why wouldn't he open up to you?"
"I don't know. Hosoek met me in the morning and apologised. When I told him about the issue, he asked me to give Jimin some space."
"No. I guess you shouldn't give anymore space. Get this thing sorted Yoongi."
"You both are crackheads. I am not sure which one of you is even partly right."
This bloody bitch is comparing me to that smiley face?
"Me ofcourse. You idiot."
Yoongi gave me a bright smile and stood up.
"I guess I am listening to you then."
he said as he walked to his room.
I don't know what he has planned but I am sure it will provide some closure to this issue.
As I decided to wash up, I realized we didn't make plans for dinner. I turned to open Yoongi's door, but he came out with his jacket in his hand and took his keys.
"I will see you later. Don't wait up for dinner. Bye."
This kid knows very well to blow off my plans.
I guess I am having a lonely dinner then.

As I came out of the shower, I noticed my phone buzzing. I walked to the bed side table to look at who was calling me. There were 9 text messages. All of them from V.
9? Wow. This is immense progress.

I opened the messages one after other.

7:02 Hi hyung.
7:03 I was wondering if you want to have dinner with me.
7:04 I mean us, if you want Kook to accompany us.
7:05 I mean us alone is fine with me.
7:07 you don't have to come. It's okay.
7:08 I didn't mean to spam. Sorry hyung.
7:09 Have a great night ahead.
7:10 Good night. Sweet dreams.
7:11 :)

He was stuttering in the messages and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. He is really cute. He is like a toned teddy bear. I really won't mind having a alone time with V. I really like to know him better.

I decided to call him.

"Hey V." I say as soon as he picks his phone.
"Hi hyung."
"His the dinner offer still open?"
"Huh.. yeah..if you want to..then.."
"I would love to V. I am starving." I could hear him let out a subtle giggle.
"You wanna come home?" I guess we aren't having some alone time then. It's fine.
"You sure? It won't be an issue to your Namjoon Hyung?"
"No. But ...."
"Our house is practically just a room. Might not be too comfortable to you."
"Send me the address V. I will be there soon. Also what should I get for dinner?"
"It's my treat hyung. Just come home."
I am still going to get them something.
"Okay. See you later Veeeee." I tried to sound cute. I wonder why I turn to this creepy old guy whenever I am around this manga guy.

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