James Harden and the Nail - 10/12/18

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A servant gently poured tea for every lord in the main dining hall of Toyota Castle. The Iron Birds sat in kneeled positions in two lines in front of their Shogun leader.

At the head of the room James Harden, the Bearded Dragon sat at a low-rise table on a slightly elevated platform wearing magnificent ceremonial red armor with jade accents. He had been known to wear such garb during meetings to symbolize peaceful times coming to an end. After giving his opening remarks on the upcoming campaign, he turned to his first general in command Chris Paul, the Crimson Hornet.

"Paul-Sama, you will take your army south and dispose of the dissenting Spurs clan."

Paul placed his hands on the ground in front of him and bowed his head.

"Yes sir, understood."

Harden then turned to the Leaping Mountain Bear, Clint Capela.

"Capela-Sama, you will negotiate the surrender of the Mountain Men of Denver."

Capela followed Paul's suit and responded with a bow.

"Yes sir, understood."

Suddenly, a rogue voice interrupted the master of the realm from the second line.

"And I shall take a platoon and defeat the Golden Knights of the West!"

The entire room held it's collective breath, shocked at the impertinent outburst of The Fossil, Carmelo Anthony. The lords sat in tense silence for what felt like hours. The Dragon had no reaction other than gently placing his hand on the red handle of his sword tied to his side and continued down the line delivering his orders.

After giving his final order and dismissal, the lords all together performed a final bow and began to take their leave. Since Anthony sat at the end of the line, he was the last to exit the room. Upon reaching the sliding paper doors, he was blocked by Paul and Capela. His heart started beating out of his chest as he realized that Harden was no doubt standing behind him. He turned around slowly to confirm his worst fears.

"I will say this only once, Anthony-san. The nail that sticks out shall be hammered down."

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