LeBron James Receives a Message from the Trickster Knight - 12/5/18

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King LeBron James, The Lion, was in the middle of a meeting with his most trusted generals when his squire, Lonzo Ball, burst into the room. Breathing heavily and holding an envelope in his hand, he blurted out to The King.

"My lord! A message from the mountains! It was pinned to the main gate, but none of the guards saw anyone pass by the castle..."

James rose slowly from his seat and took the parchment paper from Ball. When he looked at the page and saw no writing, Ball called out to him and pointed.

"T-turn it over..."

When James turned the paper, words suddenly appeared from nowhere reading "place under your crystal ball". James cocked his head back slightly in confusion as he had never heard of such a thing.

James had an attendant fetch the room's crystal ball while he cleared some space on the main table. The attendant brought the heavy crystal and plopped it onto the table with a loud thud. The Lion lifted the ball's platform just enough and carefully slid the parchment paper underneath it before letting it drop back down.

Moments later, a moving image of Nikola Jokic, The Trickster Knight, appeared in the crystal ball. He smiled manically at James from inside it and held up the very same piece of paper that was delivered to him, indicating that whatever they were seeing had taken place in the past. Taken aback by the frightening sorcery, the Lake Knights looked at each other as Jokic began to speak.

"Hello King James...heehaahmmhmhmm. Surprised to see me? I'll get straight to the point. I know what you want. You want to meet at the center of the realm and defeat the Champions of the Eastern Territories... don't we all? Heeheehahaahaa..."

Jokic's unnerving laughter continued on for a moment before he leaned in close to the edge of the crystal and continued.

"Your journey to the center won't be as easy as years past though, for you've never had to trek through the mountains to get there... And how will you even be able to do it without horses??"

The Lake Knights all looked at each other in confusion at his last statement. "What does he m-", LeBron began to say before the young lord Josh Hart burst into the room with another urgent piece of news.

"My Lord! The stables! Someone has destroyed the stable doors...all the horses are getting away!!"

With teeth beared, LeBron shot his gaze back at the crystal ball before barking back at Hart and by extension, everyone else in the room.

"Well don't just stand there, you idiots! Get after them now!!"

The Lake Knights scurried around to gather their equipment before heading out as Jokic's frightening laughter carried over the commotion in the room.


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