4- abracadabra

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Mei's Pov;

I yawned as I stood up from my bed stretching my limbs to get ready for a delivery later, walking out of my office I greeted Ale and Paul afternoon,(well if you read the first book i'm sure as hell you know these characters...no?..well deal with it...) before heading to the closet we all share, I wore my issual get up clothes which was a suit a magicians suit. I didn't wanna wear my hat since some thief tried to steal and ditch for it, and it somehow scared tophat a bit after that.
"Do you wanna come with me tonight?" I asked tophat reassuring wether its up for it, but ofcourse it didn't nod and turned around so I took it as a no, for safety reasons trust me... I carried the suit case filled with Ale's blueprints and made my way to the hotel the couple I talked in the phone said, and well it will be a bloody night. Making my way to the desk i asked the person in charge and so they told the room, walking to the elavator I pressed the call and once it opened two sinister men we're standing they made way for me, but they made me stand in the middle, the doors finally shut close and the three of us stood there not until the person on my right pulled a gun and the other aswell.
"Boys, you might not want to pull the trigger on me..." I lowly threatened them still looking at the door, but the two men we're smug since they think they have a weapon.
"Oh yeah? We'll blow your brains out motherfucker..." the right man threatened as he pushed the gun a bit which was cute...
"I'd love to demonstrate magic to you if you'd like... but why would unmanly boys listen?.." I chuckled enough to convince both, and with that.
"Abracadabra..." I said as the lights shut off, I could hear panics from them getting fainter as I walked out of the elevator well I had a bit of fun since I pressed all the buttons before leaving.
"THAT MOTHERFUCKER PRESSED ALL THE BUTTONS!!!" I heard one of them yell as I walked and knocked to room 13.
"Knock~Knock~ it's your delivery~" I said not too loud as I hear them panic, i'm pretty sure they're gonna try and hit me, oh boy this will really be bloody... the door slowly opened revealing the woman who loves being called miss light for how she loves to wear white dresses.
"Wheres mr. Dark?" I said trying to sound innocent as I entered.
"Right here." I heard him whisper and in a flash I grabbed the bat by the finger, well I am a toy I can't feel pain. The couples looked in shock as I was able to defend myself fast.
"What's wrong? Its your delivery I can't miss the money, I mean I need it after all." I said as mr. Dark slowly put the bat down, with mrs. Light sweating nervously at me and mr. Dark.
"O...ofcourse...hehehh...your money...the payment its uhh...s...stolen..." mr. Dark said.
"Yes! It got stolen very sorry dearie!" Mrs. Light said, but I wasn't innocent.
"Then i'll have to make you pay me something else then." I said which was making them relieved.
"I want pleassure."  I said making them question.
"You want to fuck mrs. Light?" Mr. Dark said giving a little anger in the tone.
"Nope, not that one. This one." I said as I stabbed my wand in his stomach making him cough up blood, mrs. Light fainted as mr. Dark chocked and coughed up blood on te floor.
"Y'now I hate lies mr. Dark. I really hate them." I said as mr. Dark looked me in the eyes with blood flowing and dripping off his mouth.
"Don't worry, mrs. Light will live to tell my story, not yours." I said as I grabbed him by his back collar slamming him in the ceilling before he landed on the floor.
"Oh my, my. Let me take you to the shower." I said grabbing him by his back collar again and slamming his head on the side of the bathtub, that's when I heard knocking.
"Excuse me, i'm here with fresh towels!" It was a maid from the other door, I walked out of the bathroom leaving mr. Dark on the floor as I made my qay into the room to see mrs. Light still on the floor.
"We don't need fresh towels, thank you." I said as the maid went away, thats also when I took the chance to grab mr. Dark tossing him in the bed, I grabbed mrs. Light, turning off all the lights I accidentally unhooked the telephone. Whoops... i'm sure they wont mind for a few days... I then took of the window carrying mrs. Light I dumped her by the trash bins as I walked away with the brief case with me, I noticed a lady she wore a jacket carrying somebody. She looked for a bit before realizing in what scene she was entering which made her walk faster, ignoring her I walked back home. In disappointment ofcourse, we need money to buy new materials for Ale and Paul need money to perfom in a stage to gain more popularity and money.
"Oh, welcome back my love." Paul said seductively.
"Fuck off paul..." I said quickly as Ale greeted me with a peck on the cheek.
"Sorry, they lied about the money." I said.
"Again?" Ale said in disappointment.
"You two need to stop worrying too much, you know well find an honest buyer out there. Then we'll be back on track, let me get this call first." Paul said leaving me and Ale in the living room alone.
"Pff- Mei no flirting." Ale said and wow he was quicker than me.
"But why not my cute engineer? Dont you love me~" I said sarcastically making him snirk and giggle.
"No! Mei no! Nu-uh!!" Wow hes really denying this time, I mean there are rules in this house.
"Oh, fine... i'll see you in bed~" I flirted one more time before he turned red as an apple.
"Hella yes! Someone's really buying it for real! Its not a trick!  They showed the coordinates in a small city!" Paul was very excited as I nod in agreement, telling me the place I had to be there early sharp. I kept that in mind as I was waiting for Ale and me to go to bed hes gonna die early...

Ale's Pov;
Damn, Mei... why is she so damn slick and strong yet she looks so manly as hell!!! I'm gonna die early tonight...

(I'm back baby!!! Lord almighty yes!!! I love you!!!)

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