32- mimic anything

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"Paris!" Yumi yelped in delight while running towards the tall kneeling dummy.

"Thank goodness you're alright!" Paris said in relief and hugged the small frail girl.

Yumi giggled while hugging back.


"It's the two bosses!! Thank god you're both here!" A man in red tattered suit whimpered and knelt down unto the Lalah twins in fear.

"Is it worse than we thought?" Iris said.

"Yes! He just wont die and no matter what we do he just can't be stopped!" The man was almost gonna cry while looking up.

"Alright let's take care of this. Where are the drugs? I thought we told you on the phone to deliver it to the customers..." Lily said while slightly raising a brow.

"W-We did...we swear we did..!" A man limping out of a room came with a bruised up face and body while coughing.

"Eaves dropping, ehh? Then where's the money?" Lily asked while a smile plastered on her face while a gun was pointed at the kneeling man in red.

"Excuse me. Hey! It's you two again!" Mei smiled looking at the twins who stood in surprise.

"What are you doing here!??" Iris yelled in confusion.

"Oh! They told me little clown was trying to get rid of me and Paris by burning us." Mei smiled.

"You took orders from another person..!?" Iris snarled.

The man gave a light shriek before looking up with teary eyes.

"N-No! No! No! The others who were desperate for money took it the other 'u-us' didn't!!" The man kneeling whimpered loud.

"Then why the hell didn't you stop them?? We pay you more than enough to do this shit! We don't even get atleast a cent of the money in most cases!!" Iris yelled.

Mei stood back watching the small scenery of a fight.

"Lovely show..." Mei chuckled under her devilish smirk.

"Please! I didn't know what to do!" The man cried.

"All you could've done was decline the person and say you're working with two other people!" Iris nagged.

"You're enjoying my sister nagging aren't you?.." Lily smirked.

"Yeah, it's quite nice to see the man who actually tried to kill Paris once begging for his life on broken knees." Mei chuckled.

"You broke his knees? No wonder he couldn't run away." Lily said before face palming herself.

"Why aren't you helping you're sister though?" Mei asked.

"Nah, I know better on these. As a matter of fact I think I might have gotten into an argument with Paris. I don't remember clearly anymore actually." Lily addressed.

Mei chuckled in return before she took a step forward and stop the fight.

"That's enough. It's either you shoot him or you torture him for forgiveness." Mei smirked while helping Iris point a gun at the crying man.

"No! Please!!" The man sobbed and hicced for mercy.

"You know. The thought of just killing him is better than letting this happen again." Iris frowned.

"Well, we can't force you sis, so it's up to you." Lily smiled.

Iris took her time to think before a smile locked unto her face.

"Are you two supporting me on shooting this old man?" Iris giggled.

Mei and Lily eyed each other before laughing.

"Yeah sorta. Oh, and I need a ride 'cause my car's still running around on itself." Mei said.

"Sure!" Lily agreed.

Iris shot the man dead and continued behind her twin sister and Mei.

"I think Paris and Yumi might be in trouble already." Mei said.

"What!?!" Iris yelped.

"Did Yumi get kidnapped again?" Lily asked while driving.

"Her home was cluttered. Here and there, it's like a crazy dog went inside her home and destroyed every single thing it found fixed." Mei explained.

"Oh my god, Lily! I knew she wasn't really fine!!" Iris cried out.

"Relax Iris!" Lily tried to calm her twin down, which only worsen.

"What if Nora and Atsuko got into her danger zone!? Are they still alive at this point??" Iris cried even louder.

"They are still alive. Everything is going to be fine soon you half faced drama queen." Lily said. It seems her two sides are discussing what to really say.

"You should really know, that Yumi does have what you like to call 'danger zone'. But there's a huge catch on why she is still alive at this point of time." Mei said before letting out a chuckle.

Iris eyed Mei by the rear view mirror before opening her mouth to speak.

"What's this catch you're talking about?" Iris asked.

"Don't stress yourself out too much Iris or I swear i'm closing the bakery for a month." Lily said in a slight tone of concern.

"Don't even think of closing it for more than a month Lily! Thieves could try and break in!" Iris nagged.

"Oh, you want to know?" Mei said with a mischevious smirk while raising a brow.

"We'll be there in a few minutes. So just drop the bomb." Lily smiled. How carefree she can really get in some terrible situations.

"The catch is that Yumi is able to grab karma towards her but that karma she is grabbing is good not bad. The karma she takes is mostly from people or things who or that have experienced good fortune for the past years, couples of weeks or just a day or so. So by that if she is able to take enough good luck from them, she is able to defend herself from any known harm even if it means getting others around her killed without intending to. Also her danger zone is sort of limited to where she is." Mei explained.

There was silence inside the car that continued to drive in a calm pace before one took the bomb to speak.

"By that, do you mean Yumi has a small deal with misfortune 'cause of her third eye?" Lily said.

"Close enough. What I really meant is that she is dangerous even if she doesn't look like it. Also that misfortune part, i'm pretty sure you should be reffering that to Paris and not Yumi." Mei said before laying back down while looking out the window.

The ride was smooth with a few conversations here and there.


"Nora, are you sure you're gonna be ok with just bandages on you're wound? It looks like a dog bite, what if you might actually get rabbies or whatever you call that virus thing?" Atsuko asked while bandaging Nora's large leg wound.

"Yes and stop talking! It's near." Nora whispered before hushing Atsuko down.

There was silenced that loomed the spot they were in.

Faint footsteps went louder as it took slight steps towards the brown half opened door that sat still in it's own vision.

It's growing hungry for more.

The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now